The new year is now two months under our belt. How many of you have kept up on your New Year’s resolutions? The simple resolutions I vowed to work on, and I am thankfully still working on today
While some young dairy enthusiasts grow up participating in dairy cattle judging and quiz bowl contests, students with an interest in dairy products can have a similar experience
If there’s a better place to take the pulse of Western dairying at the beginning of each year than World Ag Expo in Tulare, Calif., after 40-plus years, I haven’t found it yet
We had a problem with our cows’ tails falling into our manure pan in the parlor, especially in the summer months when it’s warm and flies are present. Looking for a solution, I cut the botto
An “honest athlete” is how Scott and Pam Pralle described their prized registered Holstein cow, Selz-Pralle Aftershock 3918. As a 5-year-old, 3918 broke the national record for milk
At the same time Brian Waymire was hired as manager of Degroot Dairy in Hanford, Calif., the dairy owners were considering the purchase of an automated activity monitoring system
The path to dairy farm ownership is not an easy one. For some families, the transfer of the dairy from one generation to the next can be filled with highs and lows
Automated milking systems have become top of mind for many of us who milk cows. While these installations come with a steep up-front cost, the reduced labor needs and associated predictability in milking...
very dairy has cows with chronic high somatic cell counts (SCC). My definition of a chronic high SCC cow is one that has a SCC of 400,000 or higher for two or more consecutive tests
California milk producers knew from the get-go that having a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) implemented in the nation’s biggest dairy state would be long, slow process — which it certainly...