Three themes — the dairy economy, trade, and plant-based imitators — prevailed above all others at this year’s joint annual meeting of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board
“Every cow is given prostaglandin (Lutalyse) at 21 to 24 days in milk (DIM) to eliminate metritis or endometritis,” said Andy Schilling of Schilling Dairy in Darlington, Wis
Many Americans know that the U.S. is home to some of the world’s finest cheeses. However, if one travels beyond America’s borders, that story becomes fainter
When someone mentions that a business is “profitable,” people assume they know what that means. However, we shouldn’t casually make this sort of judgment call
Heat stress poses significant problems for the lactating cow. The extra heat produced due to greater feed consumption and metabolism makes it difficult for a cow to maintain normal body temperature
One of the core promises that swept President Donald Trump into office was that he would renegotiate better deals for the United States with our traditional trading partners
California is just over two weeks away from joining the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, so it’s interesting to note that there has been a significant dip of late in the value of Class...
I like to think that if I was older and wiser, answers would surface and the decisions I need to make would become more obvious. We are at a crossroads here at Bohnert Jerseys. My guess is that many o
Maple Fudge of 12 Oaks, owned by siblings Colton and Ashley Brandel of Lake Mills, Wis., was named Grand Champion of the International Milking Shorthorn Show at World Dairy Expo
More than 100 contestants from across the United States and Canada will fill the World Dairy Expo showring to evaluate twelve classes of dairy cattle as part of the postsecondary and intercollegiate dairy...
U.S. dairies have made huge progress in improving milk quality — average somatic cell count (SCC) by DHIA herds in 2017 was 197,000, according to the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding