Characterizing the potential rumen degradation properties of starch in corn silage and corn grain has been a challenge for those involved in dairy nutrition
With the milk price component of the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) calculation climbing for the tenth consecutive month in October, and margin levels above the $9.50 threshold since August, the fact that...
Wages are up. That’s been a common refrain over the last several years. Anecdotal evidence is all around us, and the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and USDA allows us to see the magnitude...
University of Minnesota senior Emily Annexstad and her sophomore brother Matthias topped the collegiate and 4-H contests, respectively, held at the North American International Livestock Exposition in...
Although final year-end milk production and dairy farm numbers are not yet in, 2019 predictably is shaping up to virtually zero growth in milk production
As new technologies emerge, milking cows robotically continues to gain interest and adoption, but there’s a gap between research and farm level application
I built a calf warmer from two water tanks that wouldn’t hold water anymore. I took one water tank and drilled holes in the sides to run steel piping through to create a floor base
The fourth edition of the National FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) will incorporate enforced corrective plans for any farms that don’t meet standards during an on-farm evaluation
To keep our calves clean, dry, and warm on harsh winter days or dry during those rainy days, I made a storm door that keeps the wet out but lets the sun in. I took a clear 4-foot by 3-fo
Back in the spring of 2015, my daughter, Cassie, picked out her fall show calf, Gillie. Her older brother, Tyler, had already selected his calf in the fall, one that went back to his beloved Blackstone...
Thursday, October 3 is the day. It’s the day you can get your very own Badger Dairy Club grilled cheese sandwich made with Hoard’s Dairyman Farm Creamery Belaire cheese
Hoard's Dairyman spoke with Renee Smith of Virtus Nutrition at World Dairy Expo. The company’s newest fat product is EnerG-3. Watch the video to find out more about how fats fit into farm rations