We need everyone to think about moving dairy forward. With that in mind, I invite you to share your ideas and discuss insights at The Dairy Experience, co-hosted by Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin and Midwest...
What’s the best heat stress abatement practice? Standing? No. That’s not the correct answer, but if you watch a pen of cows that are experiencing heat stress, it sometimes appears to be their...
John F. Kennedy once said, “Don’t pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” I often think of these words when I pray before bed. I ask for the strength to endure what lies ahead....
Countless statistics help quantify the U.S. dairy sector. But if one map could most clearly depict the U.S. dairy industry, it’s this one, which compares each state’s milk production to its...
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?
There is a fight underway in the biggest U.S. dairy state — one that is pitting family members against each other, breaking friendships, and is likely to leave deep scars
Have you ever seen the movie The Invention of Lying? It takes place in an alternate universe where people don’t know what lying is until one man invents it
When it comes to the new Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program, I want to make sure dairy farmers and their lenders know what the point of the program is
Every week, one member of the Hillcrest Farms team will choose a quote to write on the whiteboard in our office for all to see. The quotes can range from Bible verses, inspirational quotes, or even just...
We finally placed two robots in our new main robot barn this week. A little over two years ago at the Western Dairy Management Conference, I was sitting at a table talking to two dairymen from Wisconsin