June is supposed to be a time to celebrate and promote dairy, but unfortunately, I think what I’ll remember most about June of this year is the extreme level of animal rights activist activity
Eighteen years after Canada became the first country in the world to make radio frequency identification or RFID tags mandatory for cattle identification, it appears the U.S. will finally follow suit as...
The breeding age heifer contributes greatly to the future success of a dairy. She can also be the source of lost opportunities. Joe Dalton, University of Idaho, addressed the importance of getting young...
So, you've got some great ideas about how to promote dairy products and dairy farming and you are ready to get involved, especially during June Dairy Month
The push to end California’s Class I milk market pool quota system hit a surprising roadblock on May 22, when the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announced that the petition...
Despite living in the home of John Deere and being surrounded by hundreds of acres of corn, my three children — Tyler, 15; Cassie, 13; and Jacob, 9 — are a minority
At just 5 years old, I fell into the dairy industry by chance, but I’ve stayed by choice. My older brother had started showing dairy cattle for a local dairyman at the 2003 North Carolina State Fair
Our understanding about cow comfort is continually improving. However, assessing and translating these needs to fit specific situations can be a challenge
Despite some significant headwinds, 2018 was a record year for U.S. dairy exporters. Export volume was up 10 percent from the prior year, led by all-time highs in overseas shipments of nonfat dry milk
You might be using tail paint, also known as tail chalk, in your breeding program for several reasons. “It’s cheap.” “It’s what my neighbors do.” Or maybe,...