Por Mike Hutjens. Fisiología de la vaca lechera; optimizando la ingestión de materia seca; alimentación y el ciclo gestación-lactancia; formulación de raciones; comprando...
Spanish Edition | Importancia de la rutina de ordeño que todo mundo debe seguir para lograr calidad y eficiencia, reducir la mastitis a un mímino y obtener máximas utilidades. Una...
It’s been over five years since we covered the topic of cool-season grass management in this column. Specifying “cool-season” is important since there are warm-season grasses such as...
In 2004, McDonald's revolutionized how milk was offered in Quick Service Restaurant chains. These days, 80 percent of items on the menu at the world's largest restaurant chain include dairy. It began...
Low milk prices don't mean cheap retail prices by Maggie Seiler, Associate Editor From the fall of 2014 to the spring of 2016, the value of milk at the farm gate dropped 40 percent. Meanwhile, at the grocery...
Steps can be taken to measure the impact of soil compaction and, more importantly, avoid it in the first place. Bigger tractors and heavier machinery allow crop growers to cover more ground in a shorter...
4-H livestock projects were blasted at a recent HSUS annual conference. Like many of you in the dairy industry, some of my best memories and closest friends are from my time in 4-H
Cropland value takes uncharacteristic dip The recently released USDA "Land Values 2016 Summary Report" announced an average $40-per-acre decline in cropland values across the nation. That only represents...
Careful attention during the first three months of a calf's life sets the stage for a lifetime of productivity on Hillcrest Farms. By Caitlin Rodgers, Georgia dairy farmer How important are the first 100...
Editorial: Sustainability could reduce food waste The work by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has placed the dairy sector in the forefront of the sustainability movement. While dairy was an early...
Great silage takes great planning Corn silage harvest is just around the corner and could even be started in some parts of the country. Harvesting corn for silage may be one of the most important activities...