Unable to gain a confident handle on hosting an in-person event as the world remerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Royal Agricultural Fair once again made the decision to cancel its show
According to University of Minnesota Extension’s Joe Armstrong, D.V.M., a rainy day can be the perfect time to review and reorganize a medicine refrigerator or cabinet to ensure its contents are...
The Net Merit Index was introduced to dairy producers in 1994 as a formula designed to help identify genetics that improve production, health, and livability
Jodi McGill, an assistant professor with the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, discussed calfhood immunity and immunomodulation during the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association’s...
U.S. dairy farmers continue to get better at breeding more efficient, productive, and longer-living cows as more genetic selection tools become available
Many watching the situation unfold had finally come to believe that California’s dairy farmer community had developed a plan to sunset the state’s Quota Implementation Plan (QIP)
During the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, Iowa State University’s Jesse Goff, D.V.M., explained that calves die from scours for one of several reasons, including dehydration...
It’s a win for farmers . . . including the strawberry farmers who filed this case. Not only is this ruling a big win for all farmers, it a big win for property rights
Within the year of finishing my postgraduate studies, I worked in the industry for a company involved in the production of vitamins and other additives
The border relationship between the United States and Canada is generally a healthy one, but it’s become more obvious, particularly in the last year, that dairy is a contentious trade issue
U.S. dairy’s value as a global solution has never been more apparent than it has been this year, with exports reaching records and domestic consumption also at historically high levels
University of Illinois’ Jim Drackley discussed colostrum and transfer of passive immunity during the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference
“Could artificial insemination become illegal?”That was the question posed in our May 10, 2021, Hoard’s Dairyman Intel centered on the Colorado Ballot Initiative 2020 to 2021 No. 16
When consumers spend $1 on dairy products, dairy farmers receive 30 cents of that dollar. That’s according to the latest research by USDA’s Economic Research Service
The U.S. doesn’t export a lot of cheese, relative to other products,” said John Lucey, the director for the Center for Dairy Research (CDR). “For instance, more than 50% of milk powders...