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Feb. 13 2023
Even when it feels like an animal gets sick out of the blue, disease is never an accident. It occurs when an interaction develops between a pathogen, a host, and the host’s environment. Avoiding...
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Feb. 13 2023
This presentation reviews new developments regarding the impacts of colostrum, diet, and vaccination on immunity in young dairy animals
Feb. 10 2023
February 2023 Hoard's Dairyman Classifieds
Feb. 9 2023
To win any battle, you need to know where the attacker is coming from, and preventing infectious disease is no different
Feb. 9 2023
Some forage agronomists recommend that at least one cutting of alfalfa should be allowed to progress to the bloom stage. Other agronomists recommend that all harvests be made at late bud
Feb. 9 2023
When talking about sustainability in the dairy industry, conversations often involve what can be done on farms to manage manure, enhance crop and animal productivity, reduce emissions
Feb. 9 2023
Over the last 30 years, we’ve seen a 20% increase in agricultural exports across all commodities in countries where we had free-trade agreements
Feb. 8 2023
Surprising comments rolled into our office following our coverage of a northern Wisconsin county’s plan to require milk haulers to purchase permits to haul milk during the spring thaw. Perhaps we...
Feb. 8 2023
The topic of self-locking stanchions is on my mind. As I write this article, I have just read a thought-provoking piece in Hoard’s Dairyman Intel, “Lock-up time is lost milk time,” about...
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Feb. 8 2023
Dairy prices have already shifted lower with February and March Class III futures contracts consistently dropping into the $17 range, with Class IV not far behind. I’m worried that the market moveme
Feb. 8 2023
In the United States, adults, on average, claim they wash their hands 96% of the time after using public restrooms. Research has shown that this number is dramatically lower than reported. A case stud
Feb. 8 2023
Inspire” served as the overarching theme for the 2023 Dairy Forum as the industry’s processors, leaders, and greater dairy farming community from across the globe gathered to discuss the sector’
Feb. 8 2023
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the February 2023 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Feb. 6 2023
While some dairy producers eked out a profit during the first half of 2021, others in the western U.S. even lost money
Feb. 6 2023
Dairy farmers that transition to robotic milking systems often comment on the different style of management it takes to care for cows in this type of barn
Feb. 6 2023
It is time the dairy industry has a serious discussion about improving and modernizing the price discovery tools used to value milk and dairy products
Feb. 6 2023
Even with an excellent milking routine and clean, dry bedding, having healthy teats can be the difference between infection occurring or not
Feb. 6 2023
Plant-based companies continue to use dairy terms on their products, violating labeling laws while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looks the other way
Feb. 3 2023
As dairy producers, we are also beef producers, since culled dairy cattle are one piece of the livestock and meat sector
Feb. 2 2023
In response to the article “More farmers should run for elected office,” there is no question that farmers often can, and do, make incredibly good politicians