Farms can be dangerous places. On working farms, there's constant movement of people and equipment. And with summer, that means more activity and more people
Understanding science takes away the scare tactics. A few of us liked science class. Others catnapped during the detailed and technical presentations. However, some of those very concepts are now playing...
Spring has barely begun, yet things already look grim. Bad turned to worse for California's drought situation in 2014, which is why, on the first day of spring this year, California's 2015 water situation...
My bout with an intestinal infection hardened my stance on raw milk. I spent most of my Christmas break helping my boyfriend on his 40-cow dairy in northwestern Wisconsin. The first couple of weeks of...
March 18 recognizes the import role agriculture plays in everyone's lives. The Agriculture Council of America hosts National Agriculture Day, with the epicenter being Washington, D.C. Events promoting...