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Youth fitting contest overall winner and judges_20
Oct. 4 2022
The buzz of clippers filled the Sale Pavilion on the World Dairy Expo grounds on Sunday, October 2, as 78 dairy enthusiasts ages 13 to 21 competed in the Youth Fitting Contest
Oct. 2 2022
National Dairy Shrine has several missions. These include recording significant events in dairy history, honoring past and present leaders, promoting the dairy industry, and inspiring future leaders
Sept. 28 2022
Hoard's at Expo is sponsored by Trioliet
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Sept. 7 2022
There’s no right opinion or way to look at dairy farming, dairy foods, or life
Sept. 2 2022
Farm help is on the decline in our area and across the country, and it is a driving force for why some farms are choosing robotics
Sept. 1 2022
This season, I find myself switching gears between farm work and wedding planning
Aug. 29 2022
My summer as the Hoard’s Dairyman editorial intern has given me some priceless learning moments and memories
Aug. 26 2022
The national dairy checkoff is working to promote our products through Tik Tok influencers
Aug. 24 2022
Farm teams are expansive, and having our industry run smoothly requires many people doing their job
Aug. 22 2022
There is an entirely new generation to reach with the dairy story, so checkoff adapted new strategies to tell it
International Cheese Awards PR
Aug. 12 2022
Two Hoard’s Dairyman Farm Creamery cheeses did well in England and in Wisconsin
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July 29 2022
The things I love about farming make it worth the challenges
July 20 2022
A panel of dairy influencers offer advice on how to share your farm’s story online before other voices do
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July 15 2022
Engaging with our consumers builds trust as we share the stories of our farms
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July 14 2022
If our animals get sick or injured, we do anything we can to help them heal. These two success stories are examples of that commitment
June 9 2022
“If you build it, they will come.” That line comes from the movie “Field of Dreams,” where a baseball diamond was constructed in the middle of an Iowa cornfield
June 6 2022
As the Hoard’s Dairyman editorial intern, I plan to further myself as an agricultural communicator by learning from those around me and continuing to explore the dairy industry and the people behind...
June 2 2022
As the days get longer and the sun gets hotter, hay and planting season are the only things on our minds
May 27 2022
It’s pouring rain in Iowa today, which means we get to take a breath and slow down a bit — or at least catch up on a few things
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May 19 2022
Though we might not always be set up to succeed, dairy farmers overcome challenges every day to care for our animals and our business