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Aug. 21 2019
I was recently asked a question that I had not been asked before, and I had to think about it for a second
Aug. 2 2019
Dairymen and women know there’s always room for improvement on the farm. That concept of constantly improving is a key at Maddox Dairy in Riverdale, Calif., where consistency is the focus
July 29 2019
The most important part of generating lots of views on YouTube is the content. Bad content or content that doesn't resonate with the YouTube audience will never work
July 22 2019
Last month over 30 4-H, FFA, and post-secondary students from the United States traveled to Scotland as part of the International Dairy Judging Tour
July 18 2019
It’s a day that we will never forget. At a quarter past one in the morning, my husband got a call from his mother, and she was screaming "Fire!"
June 20 2019
I recently was interviewed for a podcast called, "Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker," regarding food insecurity and raising kids on our family dairy farm. As I was telling my story — I was
June 4 2019
School’s out, and summer is finally here! Summertime memories are some of my favorite. As a youth, I had the opportunity to travel the United States every summer
June 3 2019
For the past 40 years the Dane County Dairy Promotion Committee has organized a free dairy promotion event just steps away from the state capitol of America’s Dairyland
April 29 2019
The first day of school. Getting your driver’s license. Graduation day. Each is new beginning that comes with responsibility and new experiences
blog_healthy foods
April 26 2019
In the chaos that is health and diet advice, it’s always good to be considered good, and fortunately, dairy products are often considered healthy for the body
April 22 2019
Have you ever seen something so outrageous about dairy farming online that you wanted to jump in and tell someone how wrong they were? I have, too
April 12 2019
“He’s named after Grandpa! The highest bull in the world. How cool is that,” I thought
April 9 2019
As the buzzer went off, I untucked my jersey and looked up from the basketball court to the stands
April 8 2019
As humans, we all experience stress from time to time. I would bet nearly everyone utters the words, “I am so stressed out” now and then
April 1 2019
Attracting quality candidates for a job is a top complaint among those looking to hire employees
March 29 2019
Last week, I officially shed the winter coat and put it away. I’m not talking away, away because I’ve now lived in Wisconsin long enough to understand that sometimes April will pretend to be...
March 19 2019
I’ll be honest, it’s been hard to find inspiration to put words to my blogs
March 7 2019
I have been out of college now for six years. It definitely doesn’t feel that long, but I guess that’s how life goes
March 1 2019
Involvement in a dairy cattle breed association can build relationships with other breeders both locally and around the country
Feb. 20 2019
Every day we serve. We serve our family, our cows, and our community