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Gurnsey GC-7612
Oct. 4 2019
In the International Guernsey Show at World Dairy Expo on Friday, October 4, it was Valley Gem Atlas Malt-ET that was left in the center of the ring at the end of the show
BS Grand Champion-7031
Oct. 4 2019
It is not that often that a World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion returns to the colored shavings to compete the following year, but Cutting Edge T Delilah did — and she was in top form
Oct. 4 2019
Showmanship at World Dairy Expo is not for the faint of heart
Oct. 3 2019
The National Dairy Shine was established 70 years ago. Tonight, the association will honor Industry Pioneers, a Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder, a Guest of Honor, and numerous outstanding college students
SH GC-Single
Oct. 3 2019
Judge Keith Topp of Botkins, Ohio, emotionally stated this about his picks for Grand and Reserve Grand and Senior Champions: “I don’t know how you wouldn’t want to get out of bed and...
Oct. 3 2019
“Subsidies and barriers that handicap U.S. businesses in the global marketplace by violating international trade commitments shouldn’t be tolerated. We strongly support the World Trade Organ
Jersey GC-6275
Oct. 3 2019
The selection of Grand Champion of the International Jersey Show at the 2019 World Dairy Expo came down to a very close placing for Judge Jack Lomeo Jr. and his associate judge, Brent Walker
Oct. 3 2019
Of all the super cool things that go on at World Dairy Expo, some items stick out more than others, depending on who you are
Oct. 3 2019
Thursday, October 3 is the day. It’s the day you can get your very own Badger Dairy Club grilled cheese sandwich made with Hoard’s Dairyman Farm Creamery Belaire cheese
2019 Video pre and post-thumnail
Oct. 3 2019
Hoard's Dairyman spoke with Renee Smith of Virtus Nutrition at World Dairy Expo. The company’s newest fat product is EnerG-3. Watch the video to find out more about how fats fit into farm rations
Pleasant Hope FFA
Oct. 2 2019
FFA members from four states competed in the Central National FFA Dairy Judging Contest
Hoards Party-5836
Oct. 2 2019
When the trade show closes on the first day of World Dairy Expo, hundreds of company representatives head to the Exhibitor Party hosted by Hoard’s Dairyman and World Dairy Expo
Oct. 2 2019
With the final approval of the plans for the Dairy Innovation Hub by the Joint Finance Committee earlier today, we are excited to begin to implement the vision at our three campuses. The vision
Oct. 2 2019
Taking home Grand and Senior Champion of the International Junior Holstein Show was Musthaven Goldwyn Jaelyn-P
Oct. 2 2019
The Green Mountain State, Vermont, had a great day on the colored shavings, which were appropriately colored green this year
Oct. 1 2019
It came down to four Big 10 universities for the team title. At the end, it was the slimmest of margins. Coaches will tell students that every single point counts. And last night, it was just that close
Oct. 1 2019
As the gates opened on the first official morning of World Dairy Expo, many people headed to the Exhibition Hall for a town hall meeting
Oct. 1 2019
For the third consecutive year, Wisconsin came out on top at the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest
Oct. 1 2019
It’s the official opening day of World Dairy Expo, and that means there’s a ton to see and do!
Sept. 29 2019
Visitors watch the robots milk the cowsThe Hoard’s Dairyman Farm has been hosting judging teams prior to World Dairy Expo for decades. It is a busy time for our staff and the many visitors we host