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Aug. 1 2023
Recently I saw a picture of a 4-H sign that read, “We don’t have kids to help raise our livestock. We have livestock to help raise our kids.”
July 31 2023
When Mike Ciresi goes to work every morning, he doesn’t settle in at a typical office. The dairy specialist isn’t even going to a processing plant or dairy farm
July 31 2023
There are so many decisions to be made on a farm. While some require quick, on-your-feet thinking, other decisions are best made after a careful review of the situation and hopefully with some data to...
July 27 2023
In cattle rations, vitamins play an important role in cattle health, production, reproduction, and more
July 26 2023
Wisconsin dairy farmers are going broke as farmers and processors alike dump milk due to oversupply. Wisconsin Farmers Union believes an overhaul of our milk pricing system is needed
July 26 2023
Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, one of the largest dairy co-ops in the country, today announced a pair of changes to its sustainability team
July 26 2023
While a 20% pregnancy rate was once the standard goal, that is not the case today
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July 26 2023
Okay, this week’s article is going to be a little different. Honestly, I just want to complain for a few minutes
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July 25 2023
County and state dairy promotion programs were created to help promote the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products to consumers
July 24 2023
The costs to produce milk vary widely among operators in different geographical regions of the United States as well as on different-sized operations
July 24 2023
The process to amend the pricing formulas in the 11 Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) continues to move forward
July 20 2023
Served in a classic cone, layered with cookie dough, whipped together with fresh peaches, concocted into a brownie-lover’s dream, drenched with strawberries, submerged in a tall glass of root beer,...
July 20 2023
“Vitamins are not that difficult compared to everything else you have to do to get a good diet, but they still deserve some thought,” said Bill Weiss during the July Hoard’s Dairyman...
July 19 2023
What’s the best calf starter? Of course, the answer is whatever starter fits your operation
July 18 2023
Puck is constantly looking to the future to meet the needs of our customers today and tomorrow
July 18 2023
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville recently awarded five faculty research fellowships to help increase dairy-related research capacity through the Dairy Innovation Hub initiative
July 18 2023
Collaboration will streamline program enrollment and field data management through John Deere Operations Center™
July 18 2023
I have often felt there was an invisible wall between the beef and dairy industries, preventing them from communicating or learning from each other
July 17 2023
The Professional Dairy Managers of PA (PDMP) Summer Summit on August 3rd in Lancaster County, PA is packed with information, fun and networking opportunities