As Earth Month concludes, Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production wrapped up the month with the completion of their “Advancing Sustainability” series on Food Chain Chats
Number one rule of crisis planning: prepare for the crisis before it happens. You’ve likely seen the devastating headlines by now about the farm fire in Texas that took the lives of thousands of...
If you are an avid reader of Hoard’s Dairyman magazine, you might know a thing or two about the history of the company, the magazine, and the man who started it all
When I was growing up, it seemed as if we kept our stories to ourselves. Social media wasn’t a big deal when I was younger, so I didn’t really tell folks what all went on in my daily life
Agronomically speaking, healthier corn plants equate to improved crop performance and yield. Crop protection practices resulting in healthier corn likely also contribute to more efficiency with nutrient...
The threat to dairy farming and the reputation of dairy is an ever-changing landscape; with this in mind, Dairy MAX recently expanded the Issues and Crisis Team to meet challenges head-on in the dairy...
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
A calf that gets off to a bad start may be running a race it can never win. That’s because building a foundation for productivity and longevity starts during the first 90 days of a calf’s life,...
Following a lifestyle that includes making decisions that are good for the planet continues to grow in importance to many consumers, especially those that fall in the demographic of Gen Z
“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” This famous phrase comes from management guru Peter Drucker. It holds especially true for dairy farmers who need to make extra efforts to enhance...
Known for its expansive group of museums, one would hardly think of turning to the Smithsonian for a modern-day discussion on dairy. However, the American institution founded by James Smithson did just...
Datamars, the global RFID and livestock management solutions company and Connecterra, a leader in data and AI technology have announced a strategic partnership. Through its investment, Datamars has acquired...
“It’s not my job.” Those words just make you cringe, right? I’m guilty, though. Growing up on the farm, I started working at a very young age feeding calves and running around,...
A certain amount of stress can be motivating; it can drive us to take action. Unfortunately, too much stress leads to changes that impact our mind, our body, and our relationships with the people around...