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June 26 2023
When consumers spend $1 on dairy products, dairy farmers receive 36 cents of that dollar. That’s according to the latest research by USDA’s Economic Research Service
June 22 2023
Preparing for the future, the Kansas State University Dairy Teaching and Research Center (DTRC) is restructuring its cow herd and management strategy
John Deere 1
June 22 2023
John Deere announced it has entered into an allied agreement with PCT Agcloud to enable grain and cotton farmers to take John Deere Operations Center™ data and seamlessly share it with PCT Agcloud
June 22 2023
The Holstein Foundation and Holstein Association USA recently welcomed Diedra Harkenrider of Freeville, New York as the Director of Development of the Holstein Foundation
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June 22 2023
The weather has become far more than a topic for small talk these days
June 21 2023
Indulge me for just a moment. I have a complaint to file with Mother Nature. For crying out loud, let it rain
June 19 2023
I have had the unique privilege of being able to raise and show both beef and dairy cattle
June 16 2023
Colorado State University’s AgNext and regional dairy council Dairy MAX have announced a strategic alliance as part of a continued commitment to improve sustainability in animal agriculture
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June 15 2023
As dairy farmers, our life is lead wide open each and every day
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June 14 2023
Did you know that milk is the most frequently requested food at food banks but, because of its perishability, is the least donated?
Grow NY
June 13 2023
Empire State Development (ESD) today announced that the application window is now open for round five of the Grow-NY food and agriculture competition
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June 13 2023
Overseeing and coordinating multiple construction crews has its challenges. A few months ago, I was leading a project that required concrete to be poured
June 12 2023
Creating a cattle sale through a collegiate student organization is no easy task. This was my exact thought when some of my classmates wanted to start a dairy cattle sale at Virginia Tech
June 9 2023
Labor availability has been an issue for years throughout the dairy community. The work is hard and stressful, and working conditions can be hot and cold
Select Sires
June 8 2023
Bekah Meller from COBA/Select Sires Inc. was named the 2023 Up and Coming CowManager Specialist of the Year
June 8 2023
On a trip to Michigan last week, a common theme among the conversations we had with farmers was the need for rain
Nedap 2021
June 7 2023
What’s the big deal if a data point is off here and there? Or a couple of cows are in the wrong pen? Or you miss a milk weight or two?“It is a really big deal,” says Ron Dehli, Nedap
Grilled Cheese Burrito
June 6 2023
The Grilled Cheese Burrito, whose creation was supported by a dairy checkoff food scientist and quickly gained iconic status with Taco Bell fans, has become a permanent menu item
Planter 1725C-new
June 6 2023
John Deere is offering a new 1725C CCS 12-row/30 stack-fold planter along with four 1725C non-CCS planters that include 12-row/30, 12-row 36/38, 12-row 38/40 or 16-row/30 configurations
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June 6 2023
In case you haven’t heard or remembered by now, it’s June Dairy Month!