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June 19 2013
Hoard's Dairyman first launched an internship program in 1989, and it has remained a solid part of our editorial coverage for the past 25 years. This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the Hoard's Dairyman...
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May 29 2013
We aren't dealing with salmon or deer. It's much more difficult to get our cows pregnant. "If dairy cows were like salmon, it would be easy to get them bred. Salmon turn red before they ovulate. If dairy...
May 14 2013
Little things can be overlooked when preparing for showmanship. I attend several youth dairy shows throughout the year as a spectator, but participated in dozens during my junior years. Showmanship is...
May 6 2013
Having a heifer enterprise won't make sense for every operation. Most dairies have three enterprises on-farm: cows, cropping and heifers. Within this subset, the cost of raising replacements also accounts...
May 2 2013
It took an NFL stadium to contain the excitement Minnesota youth had for the Fuel Up to Play 60 Program. It's not every day you get to meet an NFL athlete, especially as a 6th grader. But if you're in...
March 28 2013
The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) took its first official action relating to the transition of U.S. genetic evaluations by releasing the fee schedule for genomic evaluations
Feb. 14 2013
Milk Income Loss Contracts (MILC) were automatically extended through September 30, 2013, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. There is no need for producers to re-enroll in MILC
Feb. 7 2013
In our February 10, 2013, issue, four producers from Vermont, New York, Wisconsin and California shared their thoughts on feeding high-forage diets to their herds. With the level of detail these producers...
Jan. 31 2013
Dependent on worker availability, region and farm size, foreign labor has become vital to accomplishing daily operations on some dairy operations. Earlier this week, a bipartisan group of eight senators...
Jan. 24 2013
While most of us hope an OSHA inspector never has cause to pull up to our farm, dairy is slowly, but surely, coming under additional scrutiny. An inspection has a limited scope; it is a snapshot - one...
Jan. 21 2013
With its launch in 2005, Chobani spurred a Greek yogurt movement throughout the U.S. Since then, a number of other manufacturers have gotten in on the action as well
Jan. 14 2013
Our January 10, 2013 issue kicks off our annual cow judging contest which runs through the March 10 edition. This year's classes will include Brown Swiss, Holstein, Red and Whites, Ayrshire and Jersey...
Dec. 19 2012
It's everywhere. "It" is the news that the fiscal cliff may double milk prices
Dec. 17 2012
History is constantly evolving, so the records of the past are in continual motion. National Dairy Shrine is working on renovations to the Joe P. Eves Library and displays surrounding it. During World...
Nov. 16 2012
A keen understanding of cows' behavior – knowing what, how and why they do what they do - is one of the most important skills a dairy manager can have. It's also a huge tool in improving the health,...
Nov. 5 2012
Winning the All American Jersey Show at the North American International Livestock Show was Cascadia Iatola Puzzle owned by Gene Iager who lives in Maryland. Puzzle also won the show's best udder award
Oct. 30 2012
Securing Dairy's Future, the joint annual meeting of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, the National Milk Producers' Federation (NMPF) and the United Dairy Industry Association, kicked off...
Oct. 6 2012
Welcome to Hoard's @ Expo! The staff at Hoard's Dairyman has prepared this section just for youwith pre-show stories, schedules, history, photos and our Hoard's @ Expo blog. We'll be posting new content...
Aug. 23 2012
Production in the 23 major dairy producing states remained static for two consecutive months. With a slight revision of less than 0.1 percent from preliminary estimates, June milk production was bolstered...
July 16 2012
A broken piece of equipment, a visit from a neighbor, or simply losing track of time while completing a single task can wreak havoc on your to-do list. Some days we leave the barn with what seems like...