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Jan. 24 2019
From time to time, we all like to go on a vacation. Dad likes to hike, kayak, and bike, while Uncle Andy enjoys golfing and spending time at the lake
Jan. 23 2019
Get ready for more inspired pizza-making, spontaneous entertaining and creative meals on busy days. Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese has just introduced one of its most acclaimed cheeses in convenient logs
Jan. 22 2019
It’s fun to watch your children’s interests develop as they grow. They each dive into areas that spark that enjoyment in life
Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
Jan. 15 2019
It was supposed to be a routine disbudding for a group of calves, but for one small Jersey, something went wrong
Jan. 14 2019
Most dairy farmers we meet around the country aren't using social media to connect with consumers
Caitlin Blog Photo
Jan. 10 2019
I know in many of my blogs I have talked about getting more and more information out to the public. This is key. It is what we lack in the dairy industry
Jan. 8 2019
I know New Year's Day is just another day, but there’s just something about that new number that makes it feel different. It makes it feel like a fresh start, and we could use that for 2019
Jan. 2 2019
This week we said good riddance to 2018 and welcomed a new year. Are you excited? Because honestly, I’m still on the fence. The last year was pretty awful for the dairy industry
Dec. 11 2018
As the industry we love looks to head into yet another difficult year, it’s hard not to be frustrated
Dec. 6 2018
Via trains, planes, and automobiles, I recently made my way from East Moline, Ill., to Germany
Dec. 4 2018
My good friend, Barb, recently lost her job. The company she worked for reorganized her department and her position was eliminated
sick cows
Nov. 29 2018
Every once in a blue moon we have a cold, sickness, or milk production drop from a feed change hit our herd. If you’re a dairyman, I am quite sure you have dealt with these things before
Nov. 27 2018
Thanksgiving is always one of my favorites holidays. It’s a time to gather with family and friends, enjoy delicious food, and really take the time to be thankful for all that we have
Nov. 21 2018
This holiday season is going to be rough for a lot of farmers across the country. Reports of farms selling out are still rolling in daily, which means that too many families will be spending their first...
Nov. 19 2018
“What’s it worth to me?” That is a common question asked when making any high-value purchase
Strive blog
Nov. 15 2018
We all know the last few years have been tough on us as dairy farmers. Every dairy, in every region, is sure they have had the hardest time of anyone
HD Notebook App
Nov. 13 2018
We use technology so often on our farms now that I'm always left wondering what the next best things will be
Nov. 6 2018
Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that today is Election Day
Nov. 2 2018
Last year, not even one of our employees called in sick because of the flu