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Aug. 1 2019
This summer our stress level has been heightened. From late planting to shortage of labor to a barn fire — we are undoubtedly overwhelmed and tense
July 30 2019
820 million. That’s the number of people in the world that remained food insecure in 2018
July 26 2019
For some, the slightest mention of anything “sustainable” might ignite an indifferent facial expression. For others, they grab the word right out of the sky and embrace it
July 18 2019
It’s a day that we will never forget. At a quarter past one in the morning, my husband got a call from his mother, and she was screaming "Fire!"
July 17 2019
I get that not everyone wants to put themselves or their farm out there on social media for the world to see. It’s a lot. You have to be pretty strong to withstand all of the criticism and anonymous...
July 11 2019
During this robotic transition, Dad has written several blogs about what all is going on around the farm preparing for startup
July 5 2019
We began planting corn on the third of June, nearly six weeks later than we originally planned
July 2 2019
The internet is saturated with articles about time, money, and happiness. Throw in additional hot topics like health and fitness, and you’ve covered the “how-to” gamut
June 26 2019
One of the biggest threats to the dairy industry today is not what you would think. It’s not pricing or regulations, and believe it or not, it is not even White House politics
June 20 2019
I recently was interviewed for a podcast called, "Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker," regarding food insecurity and raising kids on our family dairy farm. As I was telling my story — I was
June 19 2019
I started advocating as a means to share my farm with the world, or whoever would listen
June 6 2019
Find an outlet to vent, to talk. Facebook has groups; Twitter has space. Find a church group or card group. Talk to your spouse
May 24 2019
The rain has started falling again, and I am once again staring out the window wondering when and if it will stop
May 15 2019
When we started thinking about robotic milking, I had to look outside our region of the U.S. for ideas
May 9 2019
Many of my days are similar to most of yours. I juggle things on the home front while helping out where needed in the barn
Aerial FF0
April 25 2019
The 10-year challenge that we all really should care about is a far cry from the viral 10-year challenge (#TenYearChallenge) that has taken over social media
April 23 2019
How do you define strength? Does it mean you squat 300 pounds and do 30 unbroken pull ups? Is strength being a dairy producer, waking every morning to face yet another day of hardships — but doing...
April 19 2019
Growing up and grocery shopping with my mom, I remember grabbing cheese, butter, cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt almost every time we went to the store
April 18 2019
This past weekend, I was stunned to hear that a friend of mine had passed away. He was the same age as me, and we had been friends for more than 30 years
April webinar
April 15 2019
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?