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Ribeiro mud
March 6 2019
"Pretty sure there’s poop in my boot. Yup, I can feel it sticking to my sock. Oh! It is wet, and I can feel it in my toes! And now it’s gone. Not the poop, but the boot. Where did it go?
March 4 2019
The mantra of “Pay it Forward” has been around since 1916 but gained popularity when a movie with that title was produced in 2008
Feb. 26 2019
For many parts of the country, winter teased us with a mild start. Then mid-January hit, and along came snow, frigid cold, record-breaking wind chills, and ice
Feb. 25 2019
This time of year brings youth indoors for competitions. In a few months, they will be outdoors working with their animals on a more regular basis
Feb. 22 2019
When asked about dairy recommendations for people ages 2 and older, most dietitians will advise people to choose low-fat (1 percent) or fat-free (skim) milk, which is also what MyPlate recommends
Feb. 20 2019
Every day we serve. We serve our family, our cows, and our community
Feb. 18 2019
When it is hot outside, the future of your herd is impacted — and that is not just while the temperature is elevated
Feb. 14 2019
Really, the little acts of kindness that come from my dairy farmer husband — at the least expected of times and the most needed of times — are what make my heart skip a beat
Feb. 11 2019
Last year I wrote an article on six reasons why you should have a farm website. The main reason is because your farm is a business, and every business can be found on search engines (such as Google) when...
Feb. 8 2019
I am about to head off to my Collegiate Regional Dairy Challenge competition and thought I would brush up on my understanding of manure
Feb. 7 2019
My daughter, Caitlin, and I were discussing our switch to robotic milking and our agri-tourism venture
Feb. 6 2019
Nearly 100 years ago, my great-grandfather traveled by himself on a cattle boat from the Azores Islands of Portugal in search of a better life
Feb. 5 2019
There is no doubt that the outlook for milk prices is not looking great for this next year. While many big factors play a roll in the final price, one can't be denied
Feb. 4 2019
While the New England Patriots scored more points than the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII, it might be a stretch to call them a winner
Feb. 1 2019
I’m all for a nice sit-down dinner. Shoot, I’m all for most types of dinners. I like casual restaurants, the occasional dive bar, and family meals packed around a too small table and handmade...
Jan. 31 2019
It feels as if there has been 100 days in the month of January. My guess is some of you can relate. Over the last 10 days, the temperature has not risen above 10°F, with the coldest day at -50°F...
Jan. 30 2019
Six years ago, I agonized over the decision to start a farm Facebook page. I was already doing some advocating on my personal profile and thought, maybe that’s enough
Jan. 28 2019
We are well aware of the concept of supply and demand. We are all too familiar with milk’s response
Jan. 25 2019
Multiple news outlets have dubbed 2019 as “The year of the vegan.” Headlines like “Everything is ready to make 2019 the ‘year of the vegan’. Are you?”
Jan. 24 2019
From time to time, we all like to go on a vacation. Dad likes to hike, kayak, and bike, while Uncle Andy enjoys golfing and spending time at the lake