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April 12 2021
A cooperative of dairy farmers can benefit all
March 9 2021
Sharing our thoughts and realities helps us build trust and connections, even when it’s difficult
Oct. 6 2018
The World Classic Sale lineup offered something for all buyers, from heifers with huge genomic numbers over 2900 GTPI to daughters of the world’s greatest show cows classified up to EX-97
Oct. 8 2016
Grand Champion Ayrshire Grand Champions of the Junior Ayrshire Show
Dec. 20 2013
The country's milk cow population has dropped 20 percent this year. China, with the world's biggest population, is gradually developing a taste for dairy products, particularly because parents want to...
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Aug. 30 2013
New business opportunities are helping small herds stay in business. Washington was the only state in the country to increase dairy farm numbers in both 2011 and 2012, adding 10 herds each year. Jay Gordon...
Aug. 22 2013
What can you afford to pay for land rent and still be competitive? Margin management has become critical to farm success. "Keeping in mind feed market volatility, it looks like feed will be cheaper based...
Aug. 2 2013
Favorable feed cost outlook sets the stage for herd rebuilding to begin this fall. The fatal production problem that has driven many dairy producers out of business in recent years – sky-high feed...
Feb. 21 2013
After moderating slightly during the past two years, the pace in which licensed dairy farms exited the business picked up a little steam
Nov. 20 2012
Milk production in October per cow up one pound. Milk production in the top 23 states has been extremely consistent the past three months when comparing this time frame to last year's data. Looking at...
Oct. 22 2012
While it had been predicted for much of the summer, high feed costs have now taken its toll on national milk production. Overall, September milk production fell 0.5 percent when compared to the same time...
Feb. 27 2012
After losing over 80,028 dairy farms since 1992, it appears the reductions in licensed dairy operations are moderating. In the last four years, losses have ranged from 1,651 to 2,195 with the watermark...
Feb. 6 2012
Higher culling rates have appeared to stem the robust buildup of dairy replacements by trimming inventories 41,000 head in January compared to last year's 4.57 million heifers. While that is welcomed news,...
Sept. 9 2010
Recently released dairy product consumption figures for 2009 are encouraging. Looking at consumption on a per-person or per-capita basis always is informative, because that accounts for changes in the...
Feb. 22 2010
Despite low milk prices and rising costs, the majority of dairy producers continued to milk cows last year. What remains to be seen is how the recent depressed economic conditions, both on the income and...
Jan. 9 2025
Setting staggered goals can help us improve our outlook one day at a time
Jan. 6 2025
It is common for producers to experience lower butterfat tests and higher numbers of butterfat inversions this time of year
Dec. 10 2024
We can sell more dairy through online grocery shopping
Oct. 31 2024
Some jobs may come to an end, but we it is only a moment before we are preparing for the next phase
Oct. 18 2024
Calf morbidity and mortality continue to be a challenge for dairy producers. A 2014 National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) survey found that calf mortality averaged around 8% while morbidity...