It’s definitely a generational issue. As dairy farms all over the country transition from one generation to the next, there can be a lot of different issues that need to be resolved
I got my Valentine’s Day gift from my hubby early this year. It’s not chocolate. Or flowers. Or jewelry. It’s cheese. My most favorite cheese . . . the one I savor, nibble by nibble
A dairy farmer at a recent conference told me, "I hear all the time that we need to tell our story so our consumers can understand what life is like on the farm
The path to dairy farm ownership is not an easy one. For some families, the transfer of the dairy from one generation to the next can be filled with highs and lows
I was watching the Land O’Lakes Farm Bowl via the internet yesterday to see how the professional football players and farmers fared in this obstacle course
Herds from coast to coast will be interviewed to talk about their dairy operations and the passion they have for the industry. The RFD-TV segment will last one hour
Many of us have grown up working side by side with a grandparent, parent, or mentor that has directly affected our lives in one way or another. It is thanks to these people that we are who we are today