March 31 2022
Many of us find ourselves eating out more in recent years than we did a decade ago, and certainly more than a generation ago. In many regions, there has been a proliferation of eating options
March 23 2022
Corn silage serves as the foundation for dairy rations around the country, and feeding a high-quality product requires attention to detail throughout the growing, harvesting, and storage processes
Feb. 14 2022
Most farmers are always striving to maximize production, whether it is pounds of milk per cow or bushels of grain per acre. More product to sell typically means more profit, but there is a balance bet
Feb. 9 2022
Right now, you are likely experiencing sticker shock from looking at nitrogen fertilizer prices in late 2021 compared to the prior year
Jan. 14 2022
Alfalfa is known for its high nutritional value, and that makes it a valued forage source. However, alfalfa is often hindered nutritionally because of the indigestible lignin components
Jan. 13 2022
Inflated fertilizer prices are just one of the exacerbated input costs farmers are dealing with as we enter a new year and season
Dec. 6 2021
For dairy farmers, risk planning goes beyond the Dairy Margin Coverage program, Dairy Revenue Protection, and the many tools in the futures market
Nov. 15 2021
Hay crop silage making is finished for this year for many dairymen. Typically, it would be months before thoughts turn to ensiling the spring hay crop
Nov. 10 2021
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadMike Hutjens, University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage Grower magazinesponsored by Chr. Hansen Large regions of drought and exce
Sept. 17 2021
Every farm must wait until conditions are right for harvesting the next crop, but when you see neighbors and friends roll out their choppers and combines, it is difficult to be patient
Aug. 23 2021
Holtz Dairy uses a rotational grazing system to help feed their organic dairy herd. They converted 150 acres to this system after being unable to grow crops on the soil
Aug. 15 2021
Corn must be ensiled at the proper moisture for optimum fermentation. However, determining whole plant moisture can be problematic
Aug. 15 2021
Sometimes our hay and silage samples were getting burned because we forgot to turn the moisture tester off after the allotted time was up
Aug. 12 2021
As some areas across the country face short feed inventories, dairy farmers may be limping along and stretching forage supplies to make it through until the next crop is harvested
July 12 2021
Research by the USDA Agricultural Research Service at its station in Idaho found higher crop yields where livestock manure had previously been applied
June 9 2021
California’s water situation has not been good for a long time; however, this year could prove to be even worse
May 7 2021
As one of the most influential scientists of his generation, Peter Van Soest forever changed fiber analysis and the way we feed our cows. This Washington State dairy farm boy from humble immigra
April 19 2021
Every year before forage harvest begins, the questions come regarding quality or quantity of forage
April 5 2021
Matt Kaschmitter, a managing partner for Silverstreak Dairy, shared his insight in building connections between livestock producers and crop farmers at the Midwest Forage Association’s virtual annual...
April 1 2021
The corn planting season will start soon in most regions of the U.S. This means it is time for planning our silage replenishment strategies