For the U.S. dairy industry, mastitis carries a $1.7 billion to $2 billion price tag. Reducing the infection risk takes a multi-pronged approach, but keeping cows on their feet a bit longer postmilking...
Even $24 milk prices have failed to cool export demand for U.S. dairy products so far during 2014. China continues to be the biggest driver of that demand and is the reason why the most expensive milk...
It appears that today's consumers aren't letting their taste buds make all of their food decisions. Instead, it was a variety of health factors that made the top 10 list of nutrition trends that could...
"There is no doubt the California drought is adding cost to buying feed," Robert Chesler told those attending the 11th annual INTL FCStone Dairy Outlook Conference. "However, first-cutting alfalfa had...
Fort Atkinson's historic Hoard's Dairyman Farm was recognized by the American Guernsey Association for having 28 of the 100 top Guernseys nationally for milk and components production. The Association...
On Tuesday, June 24, a team of three American Guernsey Association personnel made a visit to the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to evaluate Rolling Prairie Bella Blue. The special trip occurred because Guernsey...
On Tuesday, June 24, a team of three American Guernsey Association personnel made a visit to the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to evaluate Rolling Prairie Bella Blue. The special trip occurred because Guernsey...
This is one busy week for the Hoard's Dairyman editorial team. It's all hands on deck to cover the latest in breed developments at this week's breed conventions and report on the details in our print...
Reader Response: The reason students are funding colleges I agree with much of Dean Doornink's comments on the article, "Students are bankrolling public colleges." Like Dean, I strongly believe in higher...
On average, it cost $3,810 to purchase an acre of U.S. cropland last year. That value was up 13.7 percent over the prior year's $3,350, as reported in USDA's Agricultural Land Values released on June 19....
Milk is no longer milk . . . at least according to some marketers. A journey through any grocery store's dairy case makes this clear as milk alternatives, soy, almond and others, receive a prominent placing...
There are disadvantages to dairying in California, not the least of which is Class 4b (cheese) milk prices that are consistently less than Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) Class III prices. It's a disadvantage...
"It could take three to five years for China to once again produce the milk volume they lost in recent years," said Robert Chesler, vice president of FCStone Foods Division. In the meantime, China's appetite...
Shades, fans, misters and water make milk production possible even in the desert. Few places in the U.S. are as deadly an environment for cows as Arizona, but milk producers there have become masters at...
Reader Response: Tuition costs are complex Having attended a regional university and worked at three major land-grant universities, I wish to comment on higher education costs as discussed in "Students...
A wave of concern spread like wildfire through the U.S. artisan cheese community last week as it appeared the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was putting a halt to the long-standing technique of...
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives June 9, 2014: "Update on starch utilization by dairy cows" presented by Randy Shaver, University of Wisconsin-Madison Sponsored by Calibrate® Technologies (
Steady growth in the number of Jersey herds in the U.S., particularly among large dairy owners in the West, naturally leads to the question of how do they do financially? It's not an easy question to answer,...
China. It's a population powerhouse on the tip of every dairyman's tongue. Enter into a conversation regarding milk prices or dairy demand, and China will inevitably come up. The nation's expanding middle...
I grew up listening to my grandpa talk about the "good ol' days" when computers did not exist and cellphones were a figment of the imagination. For better or worse, I have never known agriculture without...