The National Milk Producers Federation thanked President Trump and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue for supporting dairy in USDA’s $16 billion agriculture payments plan, details of which were released...
Fluid milk. Cereal. Frozen pizza. Those three food categories experienced game-changing positive sales shifts due to the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus
The projected aid for dairy comes to $6.18 per hundredweight. However, that money will be split into two payments of $4.71 and $1.47 per cwt., respectively
Dairy consumers in many countries around the world can easily pick out Irish butter with its leprechauns and Dutch cheese covered in windmills and tulips from their grocery store shelves
Whether you’re talking about David Copperfield making the Statue of Liberty disappear or the CME cheese market, sometimes there just isn’t a rational explanation
How long are you expecting to limit production because of co-op, processor, or personally instituted milk production restrictions? That was the question posed to our DairyLivestream audience on May 6,...
We always appreciate a good critique and follow-up questions from our readers. This particular query contained both when it arrived in our office from an Ohio dairyman
“We usually keep about 20 days of milk powder inventory on hand,” said Keith Murfield, CEO of United Dairymen of Arizona, on the May 6 episode of Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream
Based on rough calculations by the University of Wisconsin’s Mark Stephenson, it’s expected that the dairy industry will lose at least $10 billion because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that...
Discussion surrounding adjustments to on-farm milk production are ongoing as demand for dairy products continues to stumble due to the COVID-19 outbreak
For many farmers, 2019 will be remembered as a constant battle: A battle to get crops planted in the field A battle to get crops out of the field And the ongoing battle to restore soil health following...
COVID-19 certainly has disrupted the markets. So much so that in mid-April the USDA announced that they would be partnering with “regional and local distributors, whose workforce has been significantly...
iF YOU believe the clinical science supporting saturated fats in foods such as butter, cheese, eggs, and meat, you must call your senators and representatives in Washington, D.C., at once
As we take to the fields, we have an incredible opportunity to share our sustainability story through social media, such as Facebook, since sustainability plays a significant role in how consumers shop...
All eyes are on Washington as the wreckage wrought by coronavirus cascades through the U.S. economy, making it no surprise that USDA’s farm-aid package released April 17 has undergone intense scrutiny...
During normal economic conditions, dairy product use is generally split half and half between food service establishments (such as schools, restaurants, and concessions at conferences and events) and retail...