Veterinarians Donald Sockett, Rachel Klos, and Jason Lombard discussed what producers should know about Salmonella Heidelberg outbreak in humans and cattle and the management practices associated with...
After an arduous journey, the Golden State’s dairy farmers will have their chance to cast a ballot on establishing a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) in California
If there’s a better place to take the pulse of Western dairying at the beginning of each year than World Ag Expo in Tulare, Calif., after 40-plus years, I haven’t found it yet
Every dairyman and dairywoman should be asking themselves that very question. With milk prices below the cost of production for most of us, it’s challenging to justify the number of calves and heife
A legal battle over the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) use of administrative law judges in adjudicatory or enforcement actions during civil proceedings has called into question how administrative...
We have calves that always want to step up into the water fountains and make them filthy. To prevent that, we cut off the bottom of a 55-gallon drum and notched slits into the sides that slip onto the
Most dairy producers invest in an automatic milking system to reduce the need for hired labor. As an added bonus, many herds milked with robots go up in production
Veterinarian Cesar Narciso pointed to some advantages of IVF (in vitro fertilization), including accelerated genetic gain by using genomically superior donors, strategic reproduction management (like crossbreeding...
Most folks in the dairy industry are aware, at least to some extent, that California became the No. 1 milk-producing state in 1994. It took over having the most cows in 1998