When global dairy export is discussed, the conversation often revolves around value and quality. More often than not, it is the availability of the product and its ability to meet regulatory
After decades of U.S. trade policies geared toward expanding market access around the globe, 2020 saw a record 16% of total solids production shipped abroad
friend recently told me, “Never decide today what you can decide tomorrow with more information.” There is a lot of truth in that statement when I think about the mountain of decisions Duane
A year and a half removed from the brunt of the stay-at-home lockdowns that ruled most of the world because of COVID-19, the global demand for cheese is reaching record highs
Raising calves on autofeeders — will it work for you? presented by Bob James, Virginia Techsponsored by TechMixIs it time for a change? Can we do a better job raising calves in a different way?...
The starch content of corn silage is a key driver of quality and impacts the opportunity to build a cost-effective ration to drive high milk production
Unfortunately, we aren’t done with COVID-19 yet . . . or maybe it’s more correct to say that COVID-19 isn’t done with us yet. Either way, perhaps we should stop and ask what we have learned...
As weather conditions around the world change, farmers are tasked with producing food in ways that conserve resources and do more good than harm for the environment
“Manure is extremely valuable,” said Brook Wilke, the associate director of science and agronomy at Michigan State University’s Kellogg Biological Station
Many jokes about Carhartt gear can be found throughout social media. What was once an outfitter solely for those performing manual labor is now on trend for the masses to wear
Negative images about animal care practices are a bane of the contemporary livestock industry. Undercover videos, out-of-context images, and outright manipulation of visuals are tools of anti-animal
While I was working on chores in our robot barn the other morning, I watched as the sun began to wake up, slowly transforming the sky from a star-speckled deep denim blue to a magnificent display
When shoppers at 16 Costco stores in South Korea are offered samples of U.S. cheeses in the coming months, they won’t merely experience a delectable dairy product
Rather than hauling newborn calves on my cold truck bed, I built this calf cart. I made a metal cradle that a tote fit into. I added some wheels and a hitch and made a sliding door on the back
Marilyn Hershey Many times when I am talking to strangers about what we do, I receive comments back about their grandfathers’ farms. This recently happened when I struck up a conversation with