Lameness affects nearly one out of every four dairy cows worldwide. It deteriorates welfare and causes significant economic losses. Burgi addresses factors causing lameness, such as trimming errors, sole...
We know Bucky Badger is the mascot for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is found at sporting events, band concerts, and all sorts of places in between
While labor efficiency rose 2.3, labor costs climbed 7.2 percent, wiping away any gains in getting more work done on a daily basis through implementing technology
Across the Midwest, bankers reported worsening financial and credit conditions for the agricultural sector, as indicated by higher loan demand and lower repayment rates
“We need to get out ahead of poor marketers by reshaping the discussion about our dairy brand,” explained the consumer-minded Mike McCloskey (shown second from right), CEO of Select Milk Co-op
U.S. dairying is rolling along at a solid milk production clip in 2017. From January through August, output in the 23 states summarized in monthly USDA-NASS reports has been up on average
We know that dairy farm wages have been climbing rapidly, more so than in most other industries. Depending on the different dairy budgets available, estimated hired labor costs for herds of 200
It’s not hard to persuade someone when you are face-to-face with them. They can see your smile, eyes, and body language, which gives them clues on whether or not they should trust you