California is taking bold actions that mean more students will have access to milk and dairy foods. Governor Newsom’s recent climate package expands the state’s Farm to School program
Bovine leukemia virus, commonly known as BLV, lurks in dairy herds around the world. Surveys indicate an estimated 45% to 50% of cows in the U.S. are infected, and 94% of the nation’s dairy herds
Dairy farmers and farm employees spend much of their time working outdoors or in well-ventilated barns, two environments that not only reduce the chances of our animals contracting a respiratory
The list of no-no foods has been flipped like an old vinyl record on a turn table. Those in dairy circles know butter and whole milk are back on the good food list despite controversy around thei
In this webinar, Dr. Kirkpatrick will focus on the financial impacts that a high first-test SCC can have on milk production, clinical mastitis rates and cull rates. Spoiler alert: It’s a lot more...
The drum beat for renewable energy continues to grow louder throughout North America and Europe. While winds come and go, clouds can place solar panels on pause, and water flowing over dams holds fish
soybean meal is one of those basic ration ingredients that we can take for granted. It is among the most essential of commodities fed to dairy cows and accounts for two-thirds of the world’s
To ensure no cows are locked in the headlocks when the manure scraper cleans the alley, we hung the times of the day when the scraper comes by on the post by the headlock lever. That way, we don’t...
Most people would not consider a barnyard to be a particularly high-tech place or a location where drones might be at work. Even so, you could easily spot a drone flying around at a farm these days
Dairy product consumption continued its growth trajectory despite the pandemic. In fact, American consumers ate more dairy products in eight of the past 10 years