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Oct. 31 2022
A lot has happened this past year. We continue to see the effects of the pandemic, logistic challenges that hit the global market and were created in part by labor shortages, which spread across
Oct. 31 2022
Although we might desire to sometimes, is impossible to operate within a bubble in today’s interconnected world. Global societies, markets, and governments are readily linked together with everythin
Oct. 31 2022
Most would agree that pretty cows are nice to look at, but a recent study showed cows with positive conformation traits appeal to both the eyes and the checkbook.Using nearly 20 years of linear classi
Oct. 31 2022
“Our biggest ally is the consumer. Dairy product consumption is at the highest level since 1959. That’s an incredible endorsement,” shared Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of the National...
Oct. 27 2022
Corn silage harvest is often a waiting game, as farmers carefully watch whole plant moisture in an effort to chop corn at the ideal dry matter level. The general goal is to ensile feed that is at 65%
Oct. 27 2022
As unpredictable as any day on a dairy farm can be, there are a few things that we can typically count on happening. Because of the changes a cow’s body goes through around calving and the transitio
Oct. 27 2022
“First of all, sustainable is a pretty big word; it means a lot of different things,” Cornell’s Chris Wolf said in introduction to his answer regarding how consumers understand sustainability...
Oct. 27 2022
“The NMPF board unanimously passed a federal order modernization plan yesterday that we can take to USDA and hopefully get passed,” stated Randy Mooney on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. “Dairy...
Oct. 24 2022
What does it mean to maintain a social license? Whether the phrase is explicitly described or instead implied, this is a concept more and more consumers are demanding from their food suppliers. If dai
Oct. 24 2022
Genetic improvement has been a highly effective strategy to enhance dairy efficiency and net profitability. Genetic selection is also a key to improve dairy sustainability. Continued genetic emphasis
Oct. 24 2022
With a photo of an old fashioned tractor and manure spreader as a backdrop on the screen, Rebecca Larson, an associate professor and extension specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, star
Oct. 24 2022
In late September, Foremost Farms sent a letter to their patrons located in the Upper Midwest Federal Order explaining that there would be a 90-cent per hundredweight (cwt.) deduction from their milk
Oct. 24 2022
The question in the title stands before the U.S. Supreme Court.On October 11, 2022, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments in the case National Pork Producers Council v. Ross
Oct. 20 2022
A new trend is pouring out of the United Kingdom.Teenagers, apparently concerned about the earth’s environment, have decided that “milk pours” are the answer to climate change. On October...
Oct. 20 2022
One of manure’s greatest challenges is its sheer volume; one dairy cow alone can produce 14 gallons or more of manure and urine each day
Oct. 20 2022
When consumers accept dairy industry practices, or in other words, when dairy has a social license to operate, milk and dairy products can provide valuable, affordable nutrition
Oct. 20 2022
That’s the modern-day question millions of Americans are asking as they expand their dairy intake. In 2021, that expansion saw Americans consuming nearly 667 pounds of dairy products per person
Oct. 19 2022
Print features barn scene as an 11” x 14”
Oct. 19 2022
As 2022 begins to draw to a close, it is instructive to look back at the factors responsible for the record All-Milk price that will be logged for the year
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Oct. 18 2022
Surviving or Thriving in the Future of Dairy Production? How to be Both Sustainable and ProfitablePresented by Dr. Randy Shaver, University of Wisconsin, and Dr. John Goeser, Technical Director