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Oct. 17 2022
12-pack of cards (3 of each image)
Oct. 17 2022
The barn door image features a Holstein, Jersey, and Guernsey
Readers Response
Oct. 14 2022
I am a first generation dairy farmer, and I am so glad to see that you put out the article, “Lack of land pushes young farmers out of ag” on October 6, 2022. I have said before, how can someone...
Oct. 14 2022
As crops come off the fields and farmers prepare for winter, it is a time to make decisions that will impact both productivity and finances for the next growing season
Oct. 14 2022
While there is still certainly valuable work to be done to share the stories of commitment to animals, land, and people that dairy farms have, the industry has largely done a good job
Oct. 14 2022
Tomorrow, October 18, the Clean Water Act (CWA) will be 50 years old. It’s an important law that’s helped to dramatically improve water quality in the United States
Oct. 14 2022
U.S. cheese consumption climbed to new heights this past year, with the average American now consuming 39.4 pounds on an annual basis
Oct. 14 2022
The U.S. dairy cow herd continued its gradual rebuilding last quarter with dairy farmers slowly adding more cows to the herd as milk prices hit historic highs
Oct. 13 2022
This week's episode will discuss dairy's consumer image from a global perspective
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Oct. 13 2022
This week's episode will discuss dairy's consumer image from a global perspective
Oct. 13 2022
Will manure processing technology work on my farm?presented by Rebecca Larson, University of Wisconsin-Madisonsponsored by McLanahan The number of on-farm opportunities for manure proc
Oct. 13 2022
Over the course of 60 days, USDA economists raised their 2023 All-Milk price projections by 40 cents. In making that move from a $22.50 to a $22.90 per hundredweight price forecast
Oct. 13 2022
The milking procedure is the final step in the long line of tasks and processes dairy farmers take to have a safe, nutritious product to provide consumers, so doing it well is critical to ensure cows
Oct. 13 2022
For many dairy farmers, the lines between family and farm are blurred. While there are many positive aspects when family members work together, it can also be challenging
Oct. 13 2022
Even with its deep and rich history, World Dairy Expo was able to post a pair of new records at this year’s 55th show. As it turns out, cattle were front and center for both new benchmarks
Oct. 11 2022
Includes: Hoard's Legacy, Hoard's Leadership, and We Need a Show
Oct. 10 2022
Not far outside of the small western Oregon city of Albany, a friendly sign edged with bright teal welcomes visitors to Royal Riverside Farm. Down the driveway, those who stop find a place to stock up
John Goeser
Oct. 10 2022
Today’s athletes have different goals than their counterparts from prior decades. Athletic goals in this era are attributable to new technologies, training techniques, advanced analytics, new strate
Oct. 10 2022
The uncertain nature of agricultural markets and farm income means many farms diversify their operations to reduce risk and keep balance sheets healthier. Direct processing, cash crops, or custom harv
Oct. 10 2022
There is a tremendous amount of care that goes into a glass of milk. I wish there was a way to capture all of the effort it takes to provide nutrition for ourselves and our neighbors. Caring for our a