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June 6 2017
Between June Dairy Month and National Ice Cream Month (in July), there’s no better time to scoop yourself an ice cream cone
May 23 2017
I started blogging about dairy farming and sharing photos on social media with the goal of giving people reasons to feel good about dairy farming
May 3 2017
Social media has almost become a bit of a necessary evil these days. We use it to keep in touch with friends and family, to ask advice, to buy and sell things, and to entertain each other and share
Tom Wall
April 24 2017
As editors, we cover a wide breadth of unique events. Not only covering, but being part of the “Rural Life Days” with the Most Reverend David Ricken, bishop of the Green Bay Catholic Diocese
Rodgers family
April 20 2017
My brother and I are the third generation to farm the land on our home farm in Dearing, Ga. We are in the “teaching phase” of our business with my daughter and nephew both deciding they wanted...
April 19 2017
That last time I cried this much was when we buried my Grandma Pritzl — the last of my four grandparents to pass
April 7 2017
Comfort foods. Those snacks that make us feel happy when we have had a rough day, got bad news, or just as a pick-me-up
March 29 2017
Deciding what college to attend is not as easy as it looks as there are many factors to evaluate and consider
March 28 2017
SXSW . . . as in South by Southwest . . . is all about making a big impression
March 22 2017
I recently had the opportunity to interview several outstanding college students for the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s summer communications internships
March 14 2017
When I was a kid, I loved report cards. For me, it was important to measure how I was doing in my classes.Now that I’m a dairy farmer, metrics are just as important
March 7 2017
I am proud to be a third-generation dairy farmer and the fourth generation on my family’s farm. There’s a definite sense of success that comes with knowing I carry on a tradition
State Fair_ER
March 6 2017
All winter we analyze our calves in anticipation for the next show season. Are they big enough? Are they good enough?
March 1 2017
A man tall in stature and high in principles. Terry Howard was well-respected in the dairy industry for his nearly 30-year career as a Wisconsin extension dairy specialist, with a focus on feeding and...
Feb. 28 2017
“But she’s light,” my daughter Monika said, her words laced with consternation. We were looking at the Jersey heifer calf in the calf warmer
Feb. 10 2017
As a young person, people ask what you want to be when you grow up. I remember in the fourth grade that fellow students asked me that very question
Feb. 3 2017
The everyday hustle and bustle of our lives often cries for time away . . . a vacation on a sunny beach, cool beverages, and the tranquility that a nonstress environment can provide
Jan. 25 2017
Our health is one of our most precious commodities, and it should never be taken for granted. Unfortunately, as people age, the body starts to wear out
Jan. 11 2017
Why doesn’t it stay the same? Because Facebook is constantly adjusting their algorithm to keep consumer engaged
get off farm
Dec. 15 2016
One of the great things about having a daughter and nephew working on the farm is that, for the first time in our adult farming careers, my brother and I can leave the farm at the same time