Perhaps you have followed along the last decade by reading my Hoard's Dairyman column, "Around the Kitchen Table," where I share stories of growing up on my family’s dairy farm and the lessons learned
The Valmetal Group is proud to announce the fusion of its major brands Valmetal, Valmetal-Jamesway and Valmetal US Farm Systems under one brand: Valmetal
Tara Vander Dussen, also known as the New Mexico Milkmaid, understands that people need to feel comfortable if they are going to ask a question of a dairy farmer
Retail sales for milk, cheese and yogurt in the American Dairy Association North East six-state region show year-end increases in 2020, based on IRi Data Reporting
Planning is underway by Eastern States Exposition and the New England 4-H community to create programming and opportunities for the youth organization to grow and thrive while keeping participan
The 2020-2021 New York State Dairy Princess Natalie Vernon from Wayne County will crown her successor at the state pageant on Tuesday, February 16, at 6 p.m
Green Source Automation (“GSA”) announces the release of the new RotaryMATE EXPSplus, a combination dip, clean, stimulate, and wipe dairy automation robot. The RotaryMATE EXPSplus&
The other night, our robotic milkers called 36 times with one alarm or another. My dad got an early start on morning milking simply because he had been up since 11 p.m. the night prior tending to the robots
UW–Madison Professor of Dairy Science Dave Wieckert had great classroom teaching skills, but a lot of his former students remember him best for how he was able to take dairy science education beyond...
Titan International, Inc. (Titan) is now accepting applications for its annual antique tractor restoration program. National FFA and 4-H student members can register online to qualify for a set
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), incoming Chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, today announced the Committee voted to favorably report former S
There is no denying that dairy farming is a full-time job. Unfortunately, in this dairy economy, and really it seems for some time now, the key to survival is diversification
National Mastitis Council (NMC) members from 37 U.S. states, seven Canadian provinces and 24 countries gathered Jan. 7, 19-21, and 26-28, for the group’s 2021 annual meeting. More than 370 att
The South Dakota Agricultural Foundation is proud to announce the recipients of the organization’s annual Building Rural Communities (BRC) and Ag Innovators (AI) Youth Education grants. T