Hundreds of animal rights activist groups are influencing the way farmers do business around the globe. As these activists become even more organized and their tactics evolve, agriculture advoca
Peter Sheahan is an expert when it comes to taking advantage of business trends and new market opportunities.Those opportunities are available even when times are uncertain, and maybe even more
The National Milk Producers Federation congratulates President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on becoming the 46th president and 49th vice-president of the United States, as well as
Michael Dykes, D.V.M., President and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association, released the following statement today on the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the 46th President of
Lactanet Canada’s Ontario Region Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on January 13, 2021, was both impactful and encouraging to the future of a vibrant dairy industry. Lactanet Director, Korb W
House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott of Georgia announced the promotion of two current Committee staffers.Ashley Smith will serve as Deputy Staff Director of the Committee. Currently, Smit
A large donation of nutritious protein found its way from family farmers to inner-city Milwaukee today, when a Farmers Union Enterprises truck unloaded 35,000 pounds of pork ribs at Hunger Task Force
In 2019, nearly 11 billion pounds of fluid milk, 683 million pounds of cheese, and 662 million pounds of yogurt and other dairy foods moved through federal food assistance programs
It’s no secret that more and more farmers are feeling the call to share their lives on social media. As one of those farmers, I say it’s a calling that you eventually can’t ignore
The National Milk Producers Federation today called for changes to the so-called Class I fluid milk price mover to recover losses dairy producers have faced from the extreme price disruptions ca
Select Sires honors more than 50 team members from local cooperatives and Select Sires GenerVations for excellence in sales and service in 2020. “The Select Sires brand promise, Your Success O
During a virtual event for producers, customers and media, Cargill, the global food, agricultural, financial and industrial products company, announced today the opening of its new premix a