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Sept. 26 2017
We live in an age of instant answers. Instead of wondering, we’re searching
Sept. 21 2017
After it was all said and done, our farm didn’t experience too much serious damage from Hurricane Irma. We were blessed that there wasn’t too much damage
Intern 2017
Sept. 18 2017
Students interested in dairy and journalism are encouraged to apply for the 2018 Hoard’s Dairyman editorial internship
MR-GA Hurricane
Sept. 7 2017
We live in a time of great divisions, but somehow these natural disasters have people all over the country doing what they can to help others
Sept. 5 2017
The end of summer is often signified in one big event for those of us in the livestock world…state fair. It is a time of fellowship and camaraderie based on the love of exhibiting our best cows
Aug. 31 2017
The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. Enjoy the flavors of fall during N
Aug. 31 2017
I knew this summer was going to be unique, but I didn’t know how much I would learn about myself and the agriculture industry along the way
Aug. 29 2017
People who grew up on dairy farms often mention their love for dairy cows, their passion for the dairy community, and their calling to work in dairy
Aug. 24 2017
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
Aug. 22 2017
We got to observe the wonder of the eclipse from the comfort of our farm.
Aug. 18 2017
The August webinar focused on dry matter intake in four management groups: lactating cows, dry cows, growing heifers, and preweaned calves
Aug. 15 2017
“We need more farmers, not fewer.” That was one of the comments made two weeks ago at the Farm Bill Listening Session held by the United States House Agriculture Committee at Farm Fest in...
Aug. 11 2017
In four of the past five years, Hoard’s Dairyman has captured the top webinar award from the American Agricultural Editor’s Association (AAEA)
singing to cows
Aug. 10 2017
We recently had the opportunity to share our farm with the public on the “Georgia Farm Monitor” television show that appears on RFDtv
cows talking
Aug. 9 2017
Cows may not use words to communicate but they sure know how to get their point across; and if you listen, they will tell you how to improve your margins
Aug. 8 2017
“So, how did it feel marrying into a farm family?” is a question I often get asked as a young female dairy farmer
Aug. 7 2017
I’ve always been proud of where I came from. Growing up on a farm is a unique experience that not every child gets the opportunity to have
Aug. 3 2017
We have some construction work going on at the farm, and a driver came out not long ago to deliver new pipes. He obviously was on a dairy for the first time
Aug. 1 2017
Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics Fresh Mozzarella has just received First Place and Second Place Awards at the prestigious 2017 American Cheese Society Competition held in Denver during the annual