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MR-GA Hurricane
Sept. 7 2017
We live in a time of great divisions, but somehow these natural disasters have people all over the country doing what they can to help others
Aug. 31 2017
I knew this summer was going to be unique, but I didn’t know how much I would learn about myself and the agriculture industry along the way
Aug. 30 2017
Knowing my cows means I know more than just their name, I know them.
Aug. 29 2017
People who grew up on dairy farms often mention their love for dairy cows, their passion for the dairy community, and their calling to work in dairy
Aug. 21 2017
Calf care is very important on a dairy operation and developing a health protocol for this group of cattle is key for success.
Aug. 15 2017
“We need more farmers, not fewer.” That was one of the comments made two weeks ago at the Farm Bill Listening Session held by the United States House Agriculture Committee at Farm Fest in...
Aug. 11 2017
In four of the past five years, Hoard’s Dairyman has captured the top webinar award from the American Agricultural Editor’s Association (AAEA)
Aug. 8 2017
“So, how did it feel marrying into a farm family?” is a question I often get asked as a young female dairy farmer
Aug. 3 2017
We have some construction work going on at the farm, and a driver came out not long ago to deliver new pipes. He obviously was on a dairy for the first time
July 28 2017
My dad came from a large Midwest family where they milked 25 cows, raised some sheep, had a few chickens, and worked cropland. He was one of seven hard-working farm boys with four sisters
July 19 2017
Music is a big part of my life. It can make or break a day for me. I listen to music every single day, and not just as background noise
July 14 2017
To be successful, or profitable, raising heifers to first calving includes three areas of consideration – nutrition, health, and reproduction
use your mind2
July 13 2017
Technology has helped improve milk production, reproduction, and made managing cows at our farm easier. Parlor identification, milk meters, and automated activity monitoring are all tied together
July 6 2017
Have you given a farm tour at your dairy lately? Why or why not? I love having visitors at our farm and would give tours every day if I could. But, I know not everyone shares this same level of enthusiasm
June 26 2017
Set protocols for people as well as herd management
June 22 2017
Summer internships allow them to learn and grow in the career field they desire
June 20 2017
Hearing my 4-year-old daughter Daphne say the word “chrysalis” always makes me smile. First, because she so carefully articulates the word. Second, because I’m proud that she knows exactly...
June 16 2017
Calving can be a challenging time for a cow. But the issues go beyond giving birth. Around freshening, the dairy cow is struggling with net energy, protein, and mineral imbalances
June 9 2017
It’s June Dairy Month and it seems that those of us involved in the dairy industry are promoting milk and dairy products this season
June 8 2017
When ordering a coffee in the morning, I am observing more and more people swapping cow’s milk for almond milk