June 13 2022
Despite facing substantial hurdles, U.S. dairy product exports have continued to make significant contributions to the milk checks for U.S. dairy farmers
June 2 2022
Port slowdowns in Asia have given U.S. ports a brief reprieve from the flood of shipping vessels and containers that they struggled to offload during the winter and spring months
May 26 2022
Because the labor market for farm workers has been tightening for years, farmers have had to adopt technologies in some areas and adapt their businesses in others to make the most of the labor
May 23 2022
Exporting dairy products used to entail a relatively logical chain of events that involved getting an order, organizing the logistics, and having product reach the customer
May 23 2022
Despite the challenges surrounding exports in 2021, U.S. dairy farmers and processors hit a record $7.75 billion in sales. While that should be celebrated, the U.S.’s main competitors
May 19 2022
We have been hearing about congestion and delays affecting our country’s seaports for months now with little resolution
May 9 2022
Ongoing port congestion has delayed hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. dairy exports, and that situation continues to be closely monitored throughout the industry. For exporters, the current news...
April 28 2022
The photos this winter from the California ports of Long Beach and Oakland left many who depend on foreign trade both concerned and uncertain
April 18 2022
The author is the managing editor of Hoard’s Dairyman.In developing a partnership with stores such as LuLu hypermarkets, USDEC has staff working in concert with stores to ensure proper product placement....
April 10 2022
In recent years, for better or worse, milk prices in the U.S. are determined increasingly by forces at play in other parts of the world
April 4 2022
Will global dairy demand outpace growth over the next decade? Dairy economist Mary Ledman predicts that it will
March 24 2022
While the European Union (EU) stands second in global dairy product exports, the forecast has turned a bit cloudy these days
March 21 2022
U.S. dairy exporters pushed past previous trade records with $7.75 billion in overseas sales in 2021. In fact, last year’s exports topped prior-year numbers in ten of dairy’s top 11 markets
Feb. 21 2022
Dairy product exports have garnered many headlines in recent years. It was well-deserved attention, as the U.S. has shown tremendous growth as a collective dairy community
Jan. 27 2022
Most dairy farmers know that the United States Dairy Export Council (USDEC) has played an important role in expanding trade from nearly negligible levels at its creation in 1995 to 2021’s 17%-plus
Jan. 27 2022
How often do we hear or use the phrase that people “want to know where their food comes from”?
Jan. 25 2022
When economists try to forecast markets, they typically look at the history of prices and production and then consider consumer demand and other market factors
Jan. 24 2022
Social media has become one of the most useful tools farmers and agriculturalists have to show consumers off the farm how food is produced and its value to a healthy diet
Jan. 24 2022
The dairy export scene has come a long way in the 27 years since the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) was first founded
Jan. 20 2022
“Export demand is larger than ever,” said Mark Stephenson during the January Hoard’s Dairyman webinar. Since 2004, the amount of U.S. dairy products sent overseas has been growing