Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

Oct. 17 2019
Every time a person sprays while cows are still in the parlor, bacteria are being pushed through the air and onto cows
Oct. 17 2019
There’s no doubt that inbreeding has been a topic heavy on dairy farmers’ minds as we’ve progressed through the genomic era
Oct. 17 2019
In mid-july, as families across the country endured a heat wave by cooling off while eating their favorite ice cream, a new choice hit the market . . . available only online for a staggering $20 a pint
Oct. 17 2019
It does not matter where I go — the farm is always in the back of my mind. At any given moment, I will see something in my travels and instantly the cows push their way to the front of my mind
Oct. 8 2019
Back in the spring of 2015, my daughter, Cassie, picked out her fall show calf, Gillie. Her older brother, Tyler, had already selected his calf in the fall, one that went back to his beloved Blackstone...
Oct. 8 2019
Andrew was telling me that he now only treats around 20 percent of cows with dry cow antibiotics. He just wished that he made the move to selective dry cow treatment sooner
Oct. 8 2019
It's perhaps the greatest travesty we heard this year — a young child was whisked to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on a doctor’s referral because the toddler was in the lowest one...
Oct. 8 2019
With over 500,000 cows in the most recent U.S. Census of Agriculture, Tulare County built upon its title as the nation’s largest dairy county
Sept. 19 2019
Lyme disease has been diagnosed in every state in the U.S. except Hawaii, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Lyme disease cases are more concentrated in the Northeast and Upper Midwest
Sept. 19 2019
After 4-1/2 years of difficult milk prices, having an income that reaches over the edge of the cost of production (COP) means that there is finally some extra cash
Sept. 19 2019
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a number of major food manufacturers were pimping “health cheese” as a replacement for the real deal. In that battle, taste won the day and ultimately put...
Sept. 14 2019
One of the beautiful benefits of working on the farm is having an unfiltered view of the sky
Sept. 6 2019
There is no doubt that genomics has made significant inroads with over 3 million dairy animals being tested in the past decade
Sept. 6 2019
While David “Dave” Bachmann Sr. fully retired from dairy farming, the Wisconsin dairyman continues to write new chapters when it comes to his ongoing impact within the Holstein breed
Sept. 6 2019
It will be an image that I’ll never be able to forget. On a cool July morning, my husband received a call from his mother, screaming, “Fire!”
Sept. 5 2019
Overseeing the health and well-being of the highly valued animals of the world’s most famous dairy cattle show is a hefty task
Aug. 21 2019
One of my most treasured childhood pastimes was to dress up the newest litter of kittens in baby clothes. I certainly did not need a collection of baby dolls when I had living, breathing, responsive kittens
Aug. 19 2019
Most American farmers have supported the federal administration’s strategy to renegotiate trade pacts to promote both fairer and freer trade
Aug. 19 2019
For most 17-year-old teenagers, managing the family business and finances is not the first thing that crosses their mind in the morning. The same held true for Michael Oosten . . . until his father unexpectedly...
Aug. 19 2019
It’s been 10 years since genomic testing was introduced to the dairy industry. This valuable tool has provided breeders across the globe the opportunity for much faster genetic progress