The author is a past managing editor. His degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison combined dairy science and agricultural economics.
July 29 2019
Meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, or eggs . . . as it turns out, your body needs nine proteins found in these foods because those amino acids cannot be made by the body
July 29 2019
“If we are going endure (low prices) over the course of having tariffs, we need to come out good on the other side,” said Wisconsin dairyman Chris Pollack during a recent listening session...
July 22 2019
After a bitter public battle that even saw one side place billboard messages on major roadways in California’s Central Valley, it appears cooler heads will prevail
July 22 2019
What does a deadly disease in hogs have to do with dairy markets? The answer is quite simple . . . pigs eat components of whey, a cheese by-product. Fewer pigs means a plummeting demand for whey exported...
July 22 2019
Europe’s cheesemakers are not happy with Canada. That’s according to a July 17, 2019, report by Canada’s very own National Post titled: “Cheese quotas in Canada-Europe deal quietly...
July 15 2019
Eighteen years after Canada became the first country in the world to make radio frequency identification or RFID tags mandatory for cattle identification, it appears the U.S. will finally follow suit as...
July 15 2019
Returns from making milk in the American Southwest have been tough to come by for dairy farmers
July 11 2019
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the July 2019 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
July 5 2019
Even though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Chemicals Agency have declared that glyphosate
July 1 2019
Despite last year’s dismal dairy economics, a few farms in Michigan managed to eke out positive cash flows
June 24 2019
“The dairy industry has led the agri-genomic revolution with the implementation of genome-enabled genetic predictions,” wrote the 23 authors in a recent paper published in Frontiers in Genetics
June 24 2019
Going rates for agricultural cropland dropped in both Wisconsin and Michigan over the past year
June 17 2019
With USDA initiating sign-ups for its cornerstone dairy safety net program on June 17, the federal agency simultaneously updated a major component in the feed cost margin calculator — hay prices
June 10 2019
“Only one girl participated in the event, and she was the high individual in the entire contest. Miss Barbara Riggs, member of the second place Maryland team, had a score of 690 in judging all breeds,...
June 10 2019
For back-to-back years, butterfat levels in the collective U.S. bulk tank posted 0.05 percentage growth
June 3 2019
It took over a year for markets to recover
June 3 2019
Pricing standing hay can be a challenge due to multiple cuttings and subsequent harvests throughout the year, along with a lack of a formal commodity market
June 1 2019
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the June 2019 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
May 27 2019
The name describes the product very succinctly — tea topped with cheese. There’s a little more to it than that simple description, however
May 27 2019
There are many reasons milk from mammals is called “Nature’s most perfect food.”