The author is a past managing editor. His degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison combined dairy science and agricultural economics.
April 8 2020
Join us on Wednesday, April 15, at 11 a.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT), as four leading dairy economists join forces to sort through the coronavirus pandemic and its upheaval on our dairy markets
April 6 2020
In recent weeks, over 15 timely articles have been authored by Hoard’s Dairyman editors and respected industry associates
April 6 2020
It’s a question that’s top of mind for nearly every dairy farmer. The answer to that question depends upon your milk buyer
Dean brands_ph5
April 1 2020
The bankruptcy liquidation continued to unfold amid the COVID-19 pandemic because Dean Foods continues to hemorrhage money each and every day
April 1 2020
COVID-19 has caused the biggest upheaval in markets in well over a generation. Supply chains for all foods, including dairy, are rattled from the farm to the grocery aisle
March 30 2020
It appears some advisers to the federal government are flat out ready to ignore the science on saturated fats . . . as in the healthy fats found in butter, cheese, milk, and meat
March 26 2020
Sadly, it took a pandemic of epic proportions to reconfirm with the consuming public what we knew all along: Farmers and their employees rank among the world’s superheroes
March 26 2020
Social distancing, self-quarantine, and isolation have become the new nomenclature as we collaborate to quell the coronavirus. However, dairy producers, farm employees, and veterinarians call it biosecurity
March 25 2020
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the March 25, 2020 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
March 24 2020
Vitamin D and its immune-building function is the likely reason milk is flying off these store shelves
March 24 2020
Stop the rumors, dairy processing plants can be back up and running even if an employee tests positive for COVID-19
March 23 2020
Farmers literally fed the Allied forces and the world’s war-ravaged citizens during World War II
March 16 2020
The coronavirus has taken a big bite out of all the markets. And dairy certainly is not immune to the spreading impact of the COVID-19 virus
March 10 2020
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the March 10, 2020 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
March 10 2020
Milk prices were too low for too long. That sums up the serious economic consequences in the countryside as 8.8% of all dairy farms holding permits to sell milk left the business last year
Feb. 25 2020
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the February 25, 2020 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Feb. 25 2020
Dairy isn’t dying, it’s a growing product category. That was one of the many messages that emanated from this year’s Dairy Forum in Scottsdale, Ariz
Feb. 24 2020
Milk prices were too low for too long. That sums up the serious economic consequences in the countryside as 8.8% of all dairy farms holding permits to sell milk left the business last year
Feb. 13 2020
In some ways, rural America is being left behind despite the progress in the overall economy
Feb. 10 2020
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the February 10, 2020 issue of Hoard's Dairyman