The author is a past managing editor. His degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison combined dairy science and agricultural economics.
Dec. 2 2019
“We need to commit to leading and developing new markets,” said Randy Mooney
Nov. 25 2019
“Double ovsynch is our choice of presynch method for all first services. We have tried other synch programs and have even gone without a synch program, but no alternatives have delivered the consistent...
Nov. 21 2019
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the November 2019 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Nov. 18 2019
China was a far different place when the Honneur Company entered the dairy scene in 1994. At that time, the world’s most populated nation had yet to join the World Trade Organization
Nov. 18 2019
A voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 88 days is the longest calving-to-breeding period among all the finalists in this year’s Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council’s awards competition
Nov. 18 2019
“I am getting tired of people who tell me that ‘I don’t take care of my land and I don’t take care of my cows,’” said Randy Mooney
Nov. 15 2019
Trade, immigration, and dairy product sales garnered the lion’s share of the discussion at this year’s annual gathering of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, the National Milk...
Nov. 12 2019
America’s top fluid milk processor — Dean Foods — initiated voluntary Chapter 11 reorganizational proceedings in the Southern District Court of Texas on November 12, 2019
Nov. 4 2019
“Before STOP QIP files a lawsuit and seeks declaratory and injunction relief, we respectfully request that CDFA (California Department of Food & Agriculture) immediately cease and desist from operating...
Nov. 4 2019
With November Class III futures pushing past $20 per hundredweight, and nearly every month in the $17-plus range for 2020, heifer prices have begun to show a little bit of strength
Oct. 28 2019
The electronic universe is aflutter after National Public Radio, known to many radio listeners simply as NPR, published the story “Most U.S. dairy cows are descended from just 2 bulls. That’s...
Oct. 21 2019
Alfalfa — does this forage qualify as one of the crops that’s eligible for the $14.5 billion in direct payments from the Market Facilitation Program announced earlier this year by USDA’s...
Oct. 17 2019
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairy grams for the October 25, 2019 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Oct. 14 2019
Butter consumption is at a 50-year high. That’s because fat is back. There’s a lot of reasons for that . . . one of them is that farmers have funded 59 projects since 2002 to show the value...
Oct. 8 2019
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairy grams for the October 10, 2019 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Oct. 8 2019
With over 500,000 cows in the most recent U.S. Census of Agriculture, Tulare County built upon its title as the nation’s largest dairy county
Oct. 7 2019
“In America, the big get bigger and the small go out,” said USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue when answering a reporter’s question at a press conference during the opening day of World Dairy...
Oct. 5 2019
Kaleb Kruse of Dyersville, Iowa, was named the 16th Merle Howard Award winner at World Dairy Expo
Oct. 4 2019
Ken Melvold of Fresno, Calif., was named the 78th winner of the Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States
Oct. 4 2019
Dean Dohle of Halfway, Mo., was presented the 29th Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award during the 53rd World Dairy Expo