The Lone Star State continued its meteoric flight path on milk production as its 360 dairy farms collectively produced nearly 1 billion pounds of new milk in back-to-back years
“We had 100,000 more cows year-over-year in December. That was the biggest year-over-year advance in some time,” shared Phil Plourd during USDA’s 97th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum
“Senator (John) Boozman (R-Ark.) and I both feel very strongly that we move forward the child nutrition bill that is supposed to be reauthorized every five years,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow...
“We want to move forward aggressively,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), who is the incoming chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
“Dry cows are kept in freestall barns and put into separate groups, far-off and close-up,” said Brent Wilson of Wilson Centennial Farms near Carson City, Mich
In your January 10, 2021 issue . . .MILK MARKET PROJECTIONS REMAIN IN FLUX as USDA economists adjusted the 2021 All-Milk price forecast, down by $1.10 to a $16.60 per hundredweight (cwt.) average. Thi
The December 2020 Hoard’s Dairyman Bull List can be downloaded. The list includes the top bulls for Holsteins, Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Red and Whites, Guernsey, Ayrshire, and Milking Shorthorns
“We have made several improvements over the past few years to help our cows and heifers that are safe in calf,” said Travis Holmes, the lone repeat winner in the 13th Annual Dairy Cattle Reproduction...