In agriculture, we have seen tremendous advancements in the use of technology. During his presentation at the UW-Discovery Farm’s “Soil, Water, and Big Data Field Day,” Brian Luck reminded...
In a classic 1997 behavioral economics study on New York City cabdrivers, it was found that the reason you cannot find a cab in New York City on a rainy day is because the taxi driver sets a personal...
Marilyn Hershey Acronyms are a huge part of our lives. We have been using acronyms on our farms for as long as I can remember. It feels like BMPs, SOPs, and NRCS have always been in our language
During the regular session of the Texas Legislature, Senator Charles Perry and Representative Ken King introduced legislation raising the weight limit on milk tankers from 80,000 pounds to 90,000 pounds
After selling 10,000 cans of his La Colombe’s Draft Latte in just 60 minutes on, Todd Carmichael knew he had a winner, he told senior editor Anne Marie Mohan in an article published in...
There are consumers who wish to learn about where their food comes from; how you go about answering that question could benefit the dairy industry or dramatically hurt it
A severe hailstorm ripped through northeast Wisconsin’s dairy country on July 7. In certain areas of Manitowoc County, the corn crop looked more like sugarcane plants
“If a farmer has an attitude of being responsible for mastitis on the farm, there was a lower bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC),” explained the University of Tennessee’s Peter Krawczel
Rising temperatures are once again making July a crucial month for major livestock grain crops.Consistently inconsistent weather has dogged farmers all year so far