With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
Corn silage serves as the foundation for dairy rations around the country, and feeding a high-quality product requires attention to detail throughout the growing, harvesting, and storage processes
Preliminary totals have come in, and those totals don’t look favorable for fluid milk. Sales slumped 4.1% by sliding from 46.2 billion to 44.3 billion pounds when comparing 2020 to 2021, according...
As another year comes to a close, we reflect on the events that shaped the dairy industry in 2021. Challenges remained, with high production costs, proposed regulations, and continued struggles
One bright spot in a year marked by uncertainty and challenges for U.S. dairy is exports. Even with disrupted supply chains and a continued global pandemic, American dairy exports are on track
I do not think it is ironic that the first Christmas celebrated was surrounded by animals. That is a perfect picture of peace to ponder. What a gift this is, to live on a farm
A hard-working, dedicated, and passionate showman, this year’s Merle Howard Award honoree started her showing career by exhibiting grade cattle from a nearby neighbor
Jeff Core of Salvisa, Ky., was presented the 79th Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States during the 54th World Dairy Expo