My niece and nephews recently showed their calves at the county fair. I thought it’d be fun to ask my 4-year-old, non-farming niece a few questions about her fair experience
Foods high in saturated fat, sugars, or sodium will now receive call outs on food packaging labels in Canada. The front-of-package nutrition symbol is black and white in color, has a magnifying glass
For New York dairy farmer Skip Hardie, the last several years can be summed up in one statement. “Our farm went through financial hell for the last six-plus years as I'm sure a lot of your listener
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised down their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) forecasts for most countries this week. Overall, resource-rich regions fared better with GDP forecasts for some of
U.S. cheesemakers of all sizes are united around food safety. It is seen as a shared responsibility deeply embedded in members of the checkoff-founded Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy
Drug residues in truckloads of milk again reached a record low in 2021, affecting only one out of every 12,500 loads — a reduction of more than 90% over the past two decades
Workload and time pressure are cited as top stressors for farmers. Each season brings its own hectic pace, and carving time out of the day for self-care may seem impossible
Dairy has a bright future over the next decade. That’s the short story from a report produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.“Strong growth in per capita consu
If you are looking to add employees to your farm or business, you already know that is a herculean task these days. That’s because the U.S. unemployment rate remains historically low at 3.6%. T