Certainly, everyone close to the dairy industry has recently become aware of the latest release of undercover videos obtained by ARM (Animal Recovery Mission)
Meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, or eggs . . . as it turns out, your body needs nine proteins found in these foods because those amino acids cannot be made by the body
For some, the slightest mention of anything “sustainable” might ignite an indifferent facial expression. For others, they grab the word right out of the sky and embrace it
We are in full swing corn silage harvesting mode here at Hillcrest Farms. Last week temperatures rose to 100°F and higher and the humidity was right there with it
What does a deadly disease in hogs have to do with dairy markets? The answer is quite simple . . . pigs eat components of whey, a cheese by-product. Fewer pigs means a plummeting demand for whey exported...
I get that not everyone wants to put themselves or their farm out there on social media for the world to see. It’s a lot. You have to be pretty strong to withstand all of the criticism and anonymous...
Eighteen years after Canada became the first country in the world to make radio frequency identification or RFID tags mandatory for cattle identification, it appears the U.S. will finally follow suit as...
Take a look at long forage particles in your feed. They may be slowing your cows down at the feedbunk.It is time to update our recommendations for optimal ration particle size
The breeding age heifer contributes greatly to the future success of a dairy. She can also be the source of lost opportunities. Joe Dalton, University of Idaho, addressed the importance of getting young...
For much of the Midwest and Northeast, it started raining last fall. Wet harvests gave way to saturated soils during the winter and flooding this spring
So, you've got some great ideas about how to promote dairy products and dairy farming and you are ready to get involved, especially during June Dairy Month