Oct. 10 2016
With a little bit of something for everyone, the World Dairy Expo 50th anniversary did not disappoint. From the opening ceremony of the show to the final selection of Supreme Champion, the “Celebrat
Oct. 7 2016
As one walks through the cattle barns at World Dairy Expo, it is hard to miss the creative displays that exhibitors have built to celebrate the past 50 years. Over the past half century, i
Oct. 7 2016
After a memorable 50 years of World Dairy Expo, a new display featuring some of the most historic photos, banners, and trophies line the walls in the upper half of New Holland Pavilion bar
Sept. 19 2016
Celebrates World Dairy Expo 50th anniversary
Sept. 12 2016
As an event inspired by an idea from a group of well-known dairy pioneers to showcase the best dairy cattle, World Dairy Expo has grown with grace over the past 50 years. From growing in cattle numbers...
Sept. 12 2016
The Badger Dairy Club’s involvement in Expo has certainly evolved over the years. Today, you can find them working in the ring, in the cheese stand, and all across the grounds logging more than 5,000...
Sept. 12 2016
While the show has evolved over the past five decades, many of the names and faces have remained the same. Here’s a look into the memories of some longtime and well-known attendees
Sept. 12 2016
From rag tents to the modern-day Exhibition Hall, Gilbert nurtured the trade show. Among Gilbert’s innovations that continue to this very day are the Exhibitor Policy and Guidelines, the Commercial...
Sept. 12 2016
Breeds in Bloom, the 2004 showring theme that featured a white farmhouse, white picket fence, and white cows grazing on a green pasture of colored shavings, topped the list of 28 showring themes that have...
Sept. 12 2016
Influential sires are still recognized with the presentation of the Premier Sire award at the completion of each breed show. The sires that have won the most Premier Sire banners at World Dairy Expo for...
Sept. 12 2016
Born from the desire and dreams to have a world-class dairy show, World Dairy Expo has developed into the world’s most-respected and most-renowned dairy event. That is largely due to innovative steps...
Sept. 12 2016
When World Dairy Expo got its start in 1967, no one knew for certain just how big of an event it would become. Dairy cattle shows were among the many activities at the first World Dairy Expo. That year,...
Sept. 5 2016
Bringing the "world" to World Dairy Expo by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor The Allen Hetts Family. If World Dairy Expo had a founding family, it was Allen Hetts, his wife, Doris, and their children. While...
Aug. 29 2016
A calf flies in to promote Dairy Expo. Call it the original World Dairy Expo road show. After a rocky start, World Dairy Expo was rebranded in just its third year and it needed a public relations campaign....
Aug. 29 2016
They bet the farm to save World Dairy Expo. Talk about dedication. The founding fathers of World Dairy Expo literally bet the farm - to the tune of $100,000 - just to save the show in its third year. Sounds...
Aug. 22 2016
It took vision to build World Dairy Expo by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor In their own words. In full-color commentary. That is what you will hear in this historic 8-minute audio clip detailing the movers...
Oct. 1 2015
Foreshadowing the demise of Waterloo, Expo visionary Alan Hetts took a leap of faith in Madison, Wis. We Need A Show chronicles that story and how Expo has developed over the past 50 years
Sept. 30 2015
World Dairy Expo will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2016, and to celebrate this milestone, journalists have collaborated to create a historical book reminiscing on 50 years of Expo memories
Aug. 27 2014
Widely respected in purebred dairy cattle circles, Allen Hetts led the effort from his Fort Atkinson-based Crescent Beauty Farm with support from Gene Nelson, Gray View Farm. Brown Swiss breeder Howard...