When a professor instructs students to get out their calculators, a feeling of relief usually falls over the classroom as students are able to use a tool to solve a multifaceted problem
Pricing standing hay can be a challenge due to multiple cuttings and subsequent harvests throughout the year, along with a lack of a formal commodity market
Thanksgiving is always one of my favorites holidays. It’s a time to gather with family and friends, enjoy delicious food, and really take the time to be thankful for all that we have
Collin Peterson, former chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee, recently told Hoard’s Dairyman he is cautiously optimistic about the long-term risk management...
Perhaps the best that can be said about the milk price outlook for 2018, as seen in the graph above, is it isn’t expected to be as bad as in 2015 or 2016
As farmers, we are expected to do “the right thing.” That’s our responsibility, but in some ways, it’s also our reward. In his presentation at the Professional Dairy Producers...
“Wisconsin’s All-Milk price should be up $2.45 for the year,” said the University of Wisconsin’s Mark Stephenson in speaking to those attending the Wisconsin Agricultural Outlook...
One meat, two meat, “green” meat, no meat. Dr. Seuss could have written a fantastic book about the wild ride that is the development of meat alternatives
Is now the time for price risk management? by Scott Brown, University of Missouri The author is a research assistant extension professor in the department of agricultural and applied economics at the University...
tightest belts can be found in New ZealanSliding milk prices have caused dairy farmers to tighten their financial belts. The d, the world's largest dairy product exporter. by Hoard's Dairyman staff The...
Any bit of milk price help is welcome news in California these days. Prices received by Golden State producers have been below the cost of production all year so far and are poised to hit new lows when...
The dairy business is part of the agriculture commodity community. An agriculture commodity means the raw product looks the same no matter where it is produced around the world. Corn looks like corn whether...
It's like milk price déjà vu all over again by Mark Stephenson The author is director of Dairy Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison. As we head into 2016, I can't help but focus...
Hoard's Bull List available for download. Nearly 3,400 bulls were declared active by A.I. marketing organizations. Of those sires, 2,576 were Holsteins, 515 were Jerseys, and the remaining 297 bulls could...
At birth, the majority of calves will only absorb 30 to 35 percent of the immunoglobulins they consume. Clean colostrum helps ensure antibodies get to the gut before bacteria has a chance to shut absorption...