By planning early for succession, farm owners have the chance to minimize debt, put plans in place in case of an unexpected death or accident, and pass on the knowledge necessary so the next generation...
Corn harvested for silage can be an economically efficient way to attain high per-acre yields of digestible nutrients for feeding dairy cattle. However, silage harvest leaves little crop residue to co
“If you look around your farm . . . what sort of things do I want to hide from the public? What’s not going on the packaging on the milk container at the grocery store?”
“If you happened to max out on Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC), are going to receive Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments, you did Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP), or are locked in at a...
Milk prices were too low for too long. That sums up the serious economic consequences in the countryside as 8.8% of all dairy farms holding permits to sell milk left the business last year
Milk prices were too low for too long. That sums up the serious economic consequences in the countryside as 8.8% of all dairy farms holding permits to sell milk left the business last year
“When a cow calves, it is kept in the hospital pen for three days. Hospital pens are checked daily, and we monitor the health of the cows and check for antibiotic residues to ensure quality of milk,”...
It’s true — 74 farms — just 3.16% of all dairies in the Central Federal Milk Marketing Order — produced half of all the milk shipped within that order this past October
“In America, the big get bigger and the small go out,” said USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue when answering a reporter’s question at a press conference during the opening day of World Dairy...
Many dairy farms have made great strides in reproduction. Looking through data from the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC), a 20 percent pregnancy rate would have been considered elite just a decade...
Benchmarking is a great tool to have in the financial analysis toolbox. Comparing your farm business to successful peers is a powerful means to learn where your operation is doing well