Goldwyn daughter named Supreme Champion Bonaccueil Maya Goldwyn was the Center of the Dairy Universe at the closing ceremonies of World Dairy Expo. Maya was the brightest star and was named Supreme Champion...
World Dairy Expo® is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2023 Expo Recognition Awards. Nominated and selected by their peers, these individuals have made remarkable contributions to the dairy...
Even with its deep and rich history, World Dairy Expo was able to post a pair of new records at this year’s 55th show. As it turns out, cattle were front and center for both new benchmarks
While cows are front and center at World Dairy Expo, the high-quality feed needed for dairy cattle to remain productive and healthy is also recognized during the show
Holsteins of both colors swept this year’s World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion ceremony as the busy week of World Dairy Expo’s cattle shows came to a crescendo Saturday afternoon, October 2
For someone looking for an internship, part-time job, or full-time opportunity, in-person connections are the best way to show off skills and highlight work experiences to potential employers
Plans for the 54th World Dairy Expo®, set for September 28 through October 2, continue to progress at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Expo recognizes that uncertainty rema
Following the conclusion of the International Holstein Show, the Coliseum fills with dairy cattle enthusiasts in anticipation for the World Dairy Expo Parade of Champions
Whether it’s clipping, leading, doing nightline, or something else, everybody has a way of helping out to make sure the cattle make it to the ring ready for the show
For the first time at World Dairy Expo, there will be a back-up judge who would be willing to step up and place a breed show should a lead official not be capable of fulfilling his or her duties
Tom and Sandy Morris have experienced the event from nearly every angle as early dairy cattle exhibitors, sale managers, trade show exhibitors, and now leaders of the show
With a little bit of something for everyone, the World Dairy Expo 50th anniversary did not disappoint. From the opening ceremony of the show to the final selection of Supreme Champion, the “Celebrat