It was a battle all day at the North American International Livestock Exposition for the Dairy Bowl contest. Seventeen teams from Washington to Massachusetts competed. Wisconsin was undefeated when they...
At World Dairy Expo, Chris Wolf, a professor in Agricultural Economics and Management at Cornell University, presented a seminar on the sometimes dreaded topic of dairy farm finances and decision making
Working with family on the farm can be rewarding and enjoyable . . . until you need to move a cow from Point A to Point B together. Do any of you ever feel this way?
Agriculture is hard right now. Not just financially or physically, but emotionally and mentally, too. As hard as it is to talk to our families, sometimes it’s even harder to talk to professionals...
“Animal welfare is the result of the positive outcome of the interaction between humans and the animals,” said Robert Hagevoort, of New Mexico State University during the monthly webinar
World Dairy Expo is not only home to one of the most historic dairy shows across the globe, but it also hosts crucial forage seminars throughout the week for producers and attendees to gain inventive knowledge
Young calves are the most fragile asset a dairy producer has. We know that a calf’s value later in life as a profitable milk cow is largely impacted by her early development, but maintaining a successful...
Todd GarrettTodd Garrett joined Hoard’s Dairyman as the Art Director in 2018. In that role, he is responsible for overseeing and designing the artistic aspects of Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay...
A legend made her way back to the colored shavings for the International Holstein Show. Judge Chad Ryan of Wisconsin did not make it a secret that he has a “soft spot for older cows.”
Todd GarrettTodd Garrett joined Hoard’s Dairyman as the Art Director in 2018. In that role, he is responsible for overseeing and designing the artistic aspects of Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay...
Todd GarrettTodd Garrett joined Hoard’s Dairyman as the Art Director in 2018. In that role, he is responsible for overseeing and designing the artistic aspects of Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay &...
Former Alice in Dairyland Rochelle Schnadt served as a moderator during an agricultural careers panel attended by FFA members during World Dairy Expo on Tuesday
Judge Keith Topp of Botkins, Ohio, emotionally stated this about his picks for Grand and Reserve Grand and Senior Champions: “I don’t know how you wouldn’t want to get out of bed and...